prototype of the Athonite icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos "She Who Is
Quick To Hear" (a copy of which is honored in the monastery church of St.
Tikhon's Monastery)' is hung in a niche on the outside of the walls of the
Athonite monastery of Dochiariou, in front of what used to be the monastery
refectory. According to Athonite tradition, the icon was "written"
during the lifetime of St. Neophytos, founder of the Monastery, who lived in
the tenth century.
The first
testimony to the miracleworking powers of this icon was revealed in an incident
that took place near the refectory of the monastery. Before the icon was a
passageway, through which the fathers generally passed on their way to the
Refectory. The steward also passed that way in the performance of his duties,
not only by day, but also by night. Sometimes, in the night, he would pass
before this icon while carrying a burning torch. Once, in I664,this steward,
Nilos, while passing by as usual, with the torch giving off soot, heard a voice
coming from the icon, which said, "In the future, do not come here with a
lighted torch and do not blacken my Image with soot."

One day,
while he was praying and weeping before the holy icon, he heard a voice:
"Nilos! Your prayer has been heard. I forgive you and shall give back
sight to your eyes. When you have received this mercy from me, announce to the
brothers that I am their Protectress, the Guardian and Defender of this
Monastery dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and all Orthodox Christians
come to Me in necessities, and I will forsake not one of them. For to all who
have recourse to me in veneration, I will be their Advocate, and all their
petitions will be fulfilled by my Son and God, for the sake of my mediation
before Him, for which reason My icon shall be called "She Who Is Quick To
Hear;" for I shall speedily show mercy and fulfill the petitions of all
who hasten to it." Following these joyful words, Nilos received back his
sight. Report of this miracle swiftly spread throughout the Holy Mountain and
many monks, desiring to be eyewitnesses of this miraculous event which had been
taken place in their time, came to the Monastery, where, with reverence, they
prostrated themselves before the image of the Mother of God, and with
amazement, saw the Steward who had been suddenly struck blind and then received
back his sight. In the meantime, the brothers of the Monastery, by general
consent, having prayed with sincerity and reverence to the Mother of God,
closed up the passageway to the refectory. And having decorously enclosed the
place where the holy icon was situated, to its right they erected a beautiful
church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos "She Who Is Quick To
this, Moliebens (services of thanksgiving) were said every day, morning and
evening, before her holy icon. In addition, there began the practice in which,
Tuesday and Thursday evenings, after the dismissal of Vespers, a Priest,
(assigned by rotation) would celebrate a special Service in the main Monastery
Church, after which all the fathers and brothers, would proceed in order to the
Wonderworking icon and sing a Canon of Thanksgiving to the Mother of God.' The
Priest would pray for all Orthodox Christians and for peace for the whole
world. Since then, many miracles have been performed in connection with this
holy icon: the blind have received their sight, the lame have walked, men have
been rescued from imprisonment and shipwreck. Thus the Most Holy Theotokos
fulfills the petitions of all Orthodox Christians that have recourse to her in
faith, reverence, and with a contrite heart.
present Icon in the Monastery Church of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk is an exact copy
of the original Icon and was presented as a gift by the Fathers and Brothers of
the Monastery of Dochiariou to the Monastery of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk at its
founding. It is the beloved treasure of the Monastery and has worked many
miracles and provides consolation for all who hasten to the Theotokos in faith and
love. "...For Thou dost ever protects those who honor Thee."
(Kontakion to the Theotokos.)