Iconography and Icons
Rare Orthodox Iconography: The Chernobyl Saviour Icon
Chernobyl Saviour Icon was recently transferred from the Ukraine to Japan, so
that it may rest in an Orthodox church there. The act was done out of the
Ukrainians’ solidarity with their Orthodox brethren in Japan in light of the
March earthquake and tsunami, which lead to the threat of nuclear meltdown at a
number of power-plants.
The icon
itself was painted in the early 21st century in remembrance of the Chernobyl
nuclear disaster in 1986. It depicts Jesus Christ the Saviour in Heaven,
surrounded by a mandorla, with His hand raised in a blessing. Flanking Christ
is the Mother of God to His right, supplicating her Son, and the Archangel
Michael to His left.
them is the scene of desolation caused by the Chernobyl disaster, along with
those who died because of it. As well as white-robed figures, there are various
medical workers, nuclear staff, and soldiers, all of whom battled to contain
the fall-out of the explosion and evacuate residents. They are being blessed by
Christ for their sacrifice, Who is above all and sovereign over all.
In the
bottom centre is a tree which, because of its natural shape, was used by the
Germans to hang opposition forces during the Second-World War. It became a
small graveyard and memorial for those killed there, in the shadow of the
Chernobyl nuclear plant. After the 1986 disaster it was poisoned and died.
The icon
was blessed in the Kyiv Pecherska Lavra by His Beatitude Volodymyr on the 28th
August, 2003, the Feast of the Dormition. At the moment of its blessing, a
miraculous occurrence took place, witnessed by the thousands gathered. A dove
flew over the icon and high in the sky, with no rain in sight, a rainbow
appeared in the form of a nimbus. Then three crosses appeared, resplendent in
the centre of the nimbus.
Source: https://iconreader.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/about-the-chernobyl-saviour-icon/