News from St.Elisabeth Convent
Nun Juliania Visits Saint Petersburg for an Artistic Lecture and Master Class
On November 12,
an artistic meeting with Nun Juliania (Denisova), a chorister and composer, the
leader of the festive choir of St. Elisabeth Convent, occurred in the lower
church in honor of the Fedorovskaya icon of the Mother of God.
The meeting was
held in the form of questions and answers. There were many
people among the visitors, who sing in church choirs, which is why often the questions concerned specific
problems of church sinning. For example, why is it so that the choir sings
better during the rehearsal, than during the service. Mother Juliania said there
are many reasons for such things. It can simply happen because of stress, or
because there are always people, who does not attend rehearsals and then the mistakes of one person affects the whole choir.
question was, whether the artistic activity and concerts disturbs from monastic
seclusion or not, and is it not so that the fame facilitate conceit. The nun
replied that she is dealing with concert activity with the blessing of the
spiritual father, while conceit does not depend on what exactly you are doing.
One can pride even if he just wash the floors.
Next day,
November 13, an open rehearsal occurred in the upper church under the guidance
of Mother Juliania. About 200 people, among whom were the singers and
choristers of professional and amateur choirs, as well as the students of singing
specialties, took part in the rehearsal. During the rehearsal the visitors learned
various compositions and voicings written by Nun Juliania, such as “Trisagion”,
“Cherubic Hymn” and “Kontakion of the Akathists to Apostle Andrew”.
An excerpt
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