Guiding Principles
Christian life is a life of the pursuit of holiness, "without which no man
shall see the Lord" (Hebrews 12:14). Obviously, this is a struggle,
particularly in the evil days in which we live. We have to keep a constant
watch over our minds and hearts to keep them from falling back into sin. And
since Christ has given us the principle that we cannot simply refrain from
sinful actions, but must also refrain from sinful thoughts (Matthew 5:27-28),
any entertainment that feeds the passions and presents us with temptations is
not acceptable.
Since we
say to God when we pray the Psalms “I have no unlawful thing before mine eyes”
(Psalm 100[101]:3), we need to make sure that we actually live accordingly.
Consequently, turning on a movie that you know contains graphic scenes that can
only feed the passions is completely antithetical to this.
St. Paul
admonishes us in Philippians 4:8:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things
are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these
And there
are so many good and wholesome things for us to occupy our time with, that we
could never exhaust them in a thousand lifetimes, and so why should waste any
of our time feeding our minds with filth?
As St.
John Chrysostom warns us:

On the
other hand, one could take this so far as to assume that we should not have any
leisure time or wholesome entertainment, but this would be to go to an opposite
extreme, which is also unhealthy. It is not possible for anyone to constantly
be at 100% productivity. Human beings cannot sustain that. In the Sayings of
the Desert Fathers, we find this saying regarding St. Anthony the Great:
"A hunter in the desert saw Abba Anthony
enjoying himself with the brethren and he was shocked. Wanting to show him that
it was necessary sometimes to meet the needs of the brethren, the old man said
to him, 'Put an arrow in your bow and shoot it.' So he did. The old man then
said, 'Shoot another,' and he did so. Then the old man said, 'Shoot yet again
and the hunter replied 'If I bend my bow so much I will break it.' Then the old
man said to him, 'It is the same with the work of God. If we stretch the
brethren beyond measure they will soon break. Sometimes it is necessary to come
down to meet their needs.' When he heard these words “the hunter was pierced by
compunction and, greatly edified by the old man, he went away. As for the
brethren, they went home strengthened" (Benedicta Ward, translator, The
Sayings of the Desert Fathers, The Alphabetical Collection (Kalamazoo:
Cistercian Publications, 1975, 1984 revised edition), p. 3f.).
Also, I
recall our own Archbishop Peter's talk about his remembrances of St. John of
Shanghai and San Francisco, and he mentioned St. John asking him and the other
altar boys at the cathedral in San Francisco what their plans were for the
afternoon one day, and they were planning on going to see a movie (a clean
movie, mind you). Not only did he not chastise them for it, he gave them some
money for it. So clearly there is a balanced approach that is perfectly pious
and Orthodox, and that is what we need to try to find in our current context.
So in
sum, whatever we do in our leisure time it should ideally be of positive
benefit to our minds and souls, but at a bare minimum it should at least not be
harmful. When you have taken the time to watch a movie, for example, there
should be something uplifting about it. Virtue and goodness should be affirmed
in some way -- and even a good comedy will do that. Hopefully, you should have
improved your mind in some way as well. Otherwise you are at best wasting your
time; and at worse, actively harming yourself and your family.
Getting Down to Brass Tacks
I don't
think having cable or satellite service in the home is a good idea. There are
some good programs one can find on them,
but you are paying for a package, and so supporting a lot of filth. So I would
say, cut the cord. That's, of course, my opinion, and I don't state it as
binding on anyone else. However, if you are not going to cancel your cable or
satellite service, you should block any of the channels that contain
objectionable content, so that if you are channel surfing (which is generally
not a good idea), you won't even see what these channels are showing. This is
especially important if you have children in the home. You can also use the
"V-Chip" to block specific objectionable content... however, this
typically does not block commercials which can often be as bad or worse than the
actual shows themselves.
It is a
very bad habit to leave a TV running for background noise throughout the day.
Many people have their TV running all the time. It stifles conversations, and
it is a mindless thing that is sure to dramatically reduce the average IQ of
your family. The TV should only be on when their is something worth watching.
You should also try to limit how much time is spent watching things on TV in
When it
comes to movies, you should try to find out if the content is wholesome before
you even think about watching one. There are Christian movie reviewers that
will give you a very good idea of whether or not a movie is going to be worth
your time.
There are
still some occasional movies that are both clean and well done, but another
option is to explore the many decades of films that are out there that were
made in the past. For example, I think one of the best movies ever made is the
1940 version of Pride and Prejudice, with Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier.
Almost every actor in the film is perfect. The cinematography is amazing. The
screen play was by Aldous Huxley (not a Christian, but a great writer, and one
who certainly came from a much more Christian culture than our own), and it is
based on one the best novels ever written in English, and even though the movie
is not a Christian film per se, it is rooted in a Christian ethos, and it
affirms what is good and noble.
One bad
approach is to watch movies you know have objectionable content, and just plan
on fast forwarding past the bad parts. You are still watching and supporting
bad movies. You are exposing yourself and your family to at least some
objectionable content, because you don't know to fast forward a film until you
begin to see what you need to fast forward beyond. This all has the effective of
desensitizing you and your family to garbage that you should not tolerate.
If you
get a bum steer on a movie, and despite your best efforts you find that it
either has objectionable content, or it is simple a bad movie with no redeeming
qualities, be prepared to turn it off. At the very least, if you are watching
it with your family, you can point out what was wrong with it, and so gain some
benefit by its negative example.
Read More, Watch Less
One of
the advantages to removing broadcast and cable TV from your home is that it
will make it a lot more likely that you will read more. That is a good thing
even if you don't have children in your home. If you do have children, read
good classic books to them, and then when you are done with a book, watch a good
movie version of it. This will teach them to love books. They will generally
see that the books are better than the movies, but this can help them better
appreciate both the movie and the book.
Play Good Music
doesn't have to all be classical music, but it should all be wholesome. We made
a point of playing classical music for our children from the time they were in
the crib, and in both cases our children turned out to be very musically
inclined. It could be coincidental, but I don't think so. Baroque music in
particular is very good background music for reading and study.
Electronic Devices and the Internet
as your children get older, you are going to have less of an ability to control
what they see and do, but you should use that power wisely while you have it.
There is no reason why young children need to have smart phones, or have
unsupervised access to the Internet. If you home-school your children, this is
obviously a lot easier, but if you have your children in a public or private
school, buck the trend, and don't give them smart phones, lap tops, or tablets.
If they have any cell phone at all, get them a basic phone that only has the
ability to make calls and send text messages.
We are
told that children need to have all of these things from an early age so they
can be tech savvy, but none of these devices are difficult to learn how to use,
and if they don't have unlimited access until they are more mature, it will not
hurt them. And instead, they might learn how to actually do math, write with a
pen, and read books -- all of which are dying arts for most young people these
I would
also use an internet filter, especially if you have boys. Again, the older they
get, the less these things will be effective, and so hopefully they will learn
self control as your controls as a parent are gradually reduced.
You are
not going to be able to shield your children completely from all the filth that
is so prevalent in our culture, but you should make the effort, and show them
by your example how they should approach these things when they are the ones
that will have to make these decisions for themselves and their own children.
Canon 100
of the Sixth Ecumenical Council states:
thine eyes look aright, and keep thy heart with all diligence” (Prov. 4:25 and
23), wisdom bids us. For the sensation of the body can easily foist their
influence upon the soul. We therefore command that henceforth in no way
whatever shall any pictures be drawn, painted, or otherwise wrought, whether in
frames or otherwise hung up, that appeal to the eye fascinatingly, and corrupt
the mind, and excite inflammatory urgings to the enjoyment of shameful
pleasures. If anyone should attempt to do this, let him be
Rudder of St. Nicodemus then has the following comment on this canon:
as some men were wont to paint or draw on walls and boards lascivious pictures,
such as women stark naked or bathing or being kissed by men, and other such
shameful scenes, which deceive the eyes of beholders and excite the mind and
heart to carnal desires, therefore and on this account the present Canon
commands that no such pictures shall by any means whatsoever be painted or
drawn or sketched. If anyone should make any such pictures, let him be
excommunicated, since all the five senses of the body, and especially the first
and royalest one, the eyesight, is easily led to impress the pictures of those
things which it sees into the soul. That is why Solomon recommends that our
eyes look aright at things that are fine and good and beautiful, and that
everyone of us keep his mind and heart away from the shameful objects of the
senses" (D. Cummings, trans., The Rudder of the Orthodox Catholic Church:
The Compilation of the Holy Canons Saints Nicodemus and Agapius (West
Brookfield, MA: The Orthodox Christian Educational Society, 1983), p. 406f).