Ancestor’s Saturday for the commemoration of the departed on the eve of the
celebration of the Holy Trinity at Pentecost is called Trinity Saturday. On the
day on which the Church was founded, Holy Trinity Day, the grace of the Holy
Spirit penetrated the whole Church on earth and the whole Church in heaven,
where dwell ancestors and patriarchs, hieromartyrs, ascetics and saints.

…We pray
that the Lord will forgive the departed and we believe that the Spirit of God
touches not only the living and those who pray, but also the departed. Our near
and dear have passed on to the other world with passions, vices and sins and we
pray and ask the Spirit of God, Whom God sent, we pray Christ the Saviour, that
He will forgive them. On the eve of Trinity Saturday, Friday evening, our
Church serves the Parastasis. Parastasis is the Greek word for intercession;
during this service the prayer of the Church intercedes for the departed, and
as the Lord Himself said, saves sinners.
We plead
from God forgiveness for the departed because they can no longer do anything
for themselves, they can pray for us, but not for themselves: ‘O Lord, help and
give rest to the souls of Thy departed servants, our forbears, fathers,
sisters, brothers, the Orthodox who lie here and everywhere’. Orthodox ask on
behalf of the Church that the Lord will have mercy on those who have passed
away in the faith and hope of the Resurrection. Through the prayer of the
Church, grace abounds to such an extent that it can even help departed souls
escape from the bonds of hell.
desire to commemorate their departed through lists of names, the priest reads
them and says: ‘O Lord, remember him in Thy Kingdom’. Going to visit their
graves, giving alms, doing good works, saying kind words are now all acts of
mercy for those who have departed in an untimely way.
Saturday is also called Ancestor’s Saturday because our ancestors are the
closest to us in the flesh, which is why we begin by commemorating them. In the
list of commemorations we first write the names of our departed parents,
grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers and all relatives. The concept of
an ‘Ancestors’ Saturday’ is linked with bonds of blood, of those near to us.
Saturdays grant us the joy of prayerful communion in God with those who have
passed on from this life. This is why these days when we commemorate our
parents, benefactors and relatives, are so loved. We go to the Liturgy, we give
in our lists of names at the Proskomidia, we pray at memorial services. What
else can we do for our dear departed? We can give alms abundantly, deepen our
prayers for them at home and make the special commemorative dish, kutia.
On this
day Orthodox Christians may also go to cemeteries in order to honour the graves
of their relatives after they have been commemorated in church. For when we
pray for the souls of those have departed for the other world, it is considered
that at that moment they too are praying for us in heaven.
By St.
Anthony of Optina
Translated from Russian by Fr. Andrew