There is
another icon with the same name in the Alexeev women’s monastery in Moscow, and
many miracles took place before it at the end of the eightheenth century. Saint
Demetrius of Rostov (September 21 and October 28) relates a story about this
icon in his book THE BEDEWED FLEECE.
A cleric
of the Navarninsky church, Vincent Bulvinensky, was in the habit of venerating
the icon of the Mother of God whenever he entered the church. He would also
recite the following prayer before the icon: “Hail, Virgin Theotokos full of
grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed is the womb which bore Christ, and the
breasts which nourished the Lord God, our Savior.”
In time,
he found himself suffering from a dreadful affliction. His tongue began to
putrefy, and he passed out from the pain. When he came to himself, he prayed
his usual prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.
As soon
as he had finished his prayer, he saw a handsome young man at the head of his
bed. The sufferer realized at once that this was his guardian angel. The angel
looked at him with pity, calling on the Mother of God to heal him. Suddenly,
the Theotokos appeared and healed the sick man who was so devoted to Her. He
got out of bed and went to church, taking his place on the cliros for the
service. Those present were astonished to see his recovery.
miracle inspired the painting of “The Healer” icon depicting the Mother of God
standing at the bed of the sick man.
Source: https://oca.org/saints/lives/2015/09/18/102662-icon-of-the-mother-of-god-the-healer