Orthodox Feasts
The Synaxarion on the Conception of St. John the Baptist
John the Forerunner, the fruit of prayer,
hath budded from a barren womb today. Rejoice, O wilderness, and dance for joy,
O mankind! Behold, the preacher of repentance beginneth to take flesh in his
mother’s womb. Come, as we rejoice over his glorious conception, O ye feast-lovers,
let us form a choir, crying: O thou greatest of them that are born of women,
cease not to intercede for us who with faith honor thy divine conception, that
we may find forgiveness of sins and Great Mercy.
- Doxasticon
from Great Vespers, Tone 6
Rejoice, O barren one, who had not given
birth; for behold thou hast conceived clearly the one who is the dawn of the
Sun Who was about to illuminate the whole universe, blighted with
sightlessness. Shout in joy, O Zacharias, crying in favour, Verily, the one to
be born is a Prophet of the High.
- Troparion, Tone 4
The Synaxarion
Today in
the Holy Orthodox Church we commemorate the conception of the honorable,
glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John. On this day the mercy, miracles
and wisdom of God are celebrated: His mercy toward the devout and righteous
parents of St. John, the aged Zacharias and Elizabeth, who all their lives had
wished for and begged a child from God; His miracle, that of John’s conception
in the aged womb of Elizabeth; and His wisdom, in the dispensation of man’s
salvation. God had an especially great intention for John: namely, that he be
the Prophet and Forerunner of Christ the Lord, the Savior of the world. Through
His angels, God announced the births of Isaac to the childless Sarah, Samson to
the childless wife of Manoah, and John the Forerunner to the childless
Zacharias and Elizabeth. All of these were those for whom He had special
intentions, and He foretold their birth through His angels.
September 23, we also commemorate the holy, glorious and right-victorious
Martyr Raidos; New-martyrs Nicholas and John; Venerable Xanthippa and Polyxena
of Spain. Through their intercessions, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy
upon us, and save us. Amen.
Source: http://antiochian.org/conceptionstjohnthebaptist