Orthodox Christian Saints
Holy Apostle Philip of the Seventy, One of the Seven Deacons
Truly serving as a deacon on earth,
In the heavens Philip you receive a reward.
Philip the liturgist received his reward on
the eleventh.
Philip was born in Caesarea of Palestine. He was married and had four daughters
(Sept. 4), who consecrated their virginity to God and were given the gift of
prophecy (Acts 21:8). He became one of the Seventy Apostles of Christ, and
after Pentecost he was chosen by the Twelve Disciples to serve the needs of the
Church of Jerusalem as one of its Seven Deacons. As a deacon, he served at the
meals of the faithful and took care of the poor and the widows.

sacred skull is kept at the Monastery of Saint John the Theologian on the
island of Patmos.
Apolytikion in the Third Tone
with divine grace, thou didst serve in the Church as a deacon of God the Word,
O Apostle. By the working of miracles and signs from God, thou didst enlighten
the multitudes of Samaria. O blessed Philip, entreat Christ our God to grant us
His great mercy.
Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
by the Holy Spirit, thou didst enlighten the world with thy teachings and
resplendent miracles, O Apostle Philip, initiate in sacred truths.
Source: johnsanidopoulos.com/2015/10/holy-apostle-philip-of-seventy-one-of.html