Q: Are there dogmas in the Orthodox Church? What are the
dogmas and the things that are opinions?
A: Yes, Orthodox Christianity has dogmas; however, to
truly appreciate what that means, one must understand what the word “dogma” refers
to. In our modern era (especially in the United States) the words “dogma” and
“dogmatic” have negative connotations — they refer to those who cannot or will
not change their position, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary (the
belief that world is flat, for example.) Though it is true that dogmas do not
change, this is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a very good thing.

Since God does not change, dogma does not change.
Orthodox Christians, through the bishops and council, may make new statements
to deal with changing contexts, but these statements do not and cannot change
“the faith once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3) or who God is; it
is only our understanding of revelation what should brighter as we strive to be
“witnesses to the truth.”
Dogmas are (1) based in the revelation of the Holy
Scriptures (2) have been confirmed by the Ecumenical Councils.
Opinions (technically called “theologoumenon”) are
those things that do not directly affect our understanding of who God is and
for which there is not clear Scriptural teaching.
An example of this is the Orthodox position on the
Assumption of Mary*. While this belief is popularly held by many Orthodox
Christians, it is not necessary to accept it in order to be an Orthodox
Christian. The same cannot be said about the Orthodox Christian teachings found
in the Nicene Creed or the teachings of the other Ecumenical Councils regarding
the the divinity and humanity of Christ our Savior.
Source: http://www.orthodoxanswers.org/are-there-dogmas-in-the-orthodox-church-what-are-the-dogmas-and-the-things-that-are-opinions/