
An interview with the Abbess of St.Elisabeth Convent: Everything depends on how the person responds to God’s calling.

An interview with the Abbess of St.Elisabeth Convent: Everything depends on how the person responds to God’s calling.

An interview with the Abbess of St.Elisabeth Convent: Everything depends on how the person responds to God’s calling.

An interview with Abbess of St.Elisabeth Convent, Euphrosinia   Abbess Euphrosinia, the Mother Superior of St Elisabeth Convent, was tonsured in honor of


3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Do We Find It Hard to Be Happy Sometimes?

3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Do We Find It Hard to Be Happy Sometimes?

3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Do We Find It Hard to Be Happy Sometimes?

Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok, the spiritual father of St. Elisabeth Convent, answers various questions of the parishioners. How not to be afraid of joy?


3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Does God Demand Absolute Loyalty from Our Souls?

3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Does God Demand Absolute Loyalty from Our Souls?

3 Answers from Father Andrew: Why Does God Demand Absolute Loyalty from Our Souls?

Archpriest Andrew Lemeshonok, the spiritual father of St. Elisabeth Convent, answers various questions of the parishioners. There is a petition for a shameless


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