- Jesus
voluntarily and successfully fasted forty days in the wilderness and overcame
the temptations of the devil, because Adam voluntarily yet unsuccessfully kept
the God-commanded fast to abstain from the Tree of Knowledge after being
tempted by the devil.
- Jesus
rebuked Peter as inspired by the devil for trying to dissuade Him from going to
Jerusalem to be crucified, because Adam gave in to the suggestion of Eve who
was inspired by the devil to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
- Jesus
submitted His will to the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, because in the
Garden of Eden Adam disobeyed the will of the Father.
- Jesus
was crucified on the wood of a tree, because the fall of Adam took place
through a forbidden tree.
- Jesus'
hands were pierced with nails, because Adam held the forbidden fruit.
- Jesus
was crucified outside the walls of Jerusalem, because Adam was exiled from
- Jesus
accepted curses and became cursed (Deut. 21:23), to reverse the curse of Adam.
- Jesus
was naked on the cross and His garment divided among the soldiers, because Adam
lost his innocence in Eden and was clothed with animal skin when exiled from
- Jesus'
mother was at the foot of the cross, because Adam partook of the forbidden tree
with Eve who was the mother of the human race.
- Jesus
was given vinegar mingled with gall to drink, because Adam ate the forbidden
fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
- Jesus
was crucified in between two others who represented the way of life and the way
of death, because Adam in Eden was presented with two trees that presented both
life and death.
- Jesus
unlocked the gates of Paradise for the penitent thief, because Adam shut the
gates of Paradise.
- Jesus
was stabbed on His side after He died, because after Adam was put in a deep
sleep Eve was formed from his side.
By John Sanidopoulos