Halloween: An Orthodox Christian Perspective

Halloween: An Orthodox Christian Perspective

Halloween: An Orthodox Christian Perspective

One of America's most beloved and fastest growing holidays is Halloween, and it is also the most demonized. Many of all ages, both


12 Things to Know before Visiting an Orthodox Church

12 Things to Know before Visiting an Orthodox Church

12 Things to Know before Visiting an Orthodox Church

Orthodox worship is different! Some of these differences are apparent, if perplexing, from the first moment you walk in a church. Others become


A Fragment of a Meeting of the Sisterhood: What is Eternal Memory Like?

A Fragment of a Meeting of the Sisterhood: What is Eternal Memory Like?

A Fragment of a Meeting of the Sisterhood: What is Eternal Memory Like?

Nun Juliania (Denisova): Many people who had been close to our Convent reposed in the Lord recently. It has got me thinking about


A Psychological and Theological Reflection on Icons

A Psychological and Theological Reflection on Icons

A Psychological and Theological Reflection on Icons

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims [H]is handiwork. Day pours out the word to day, and night to


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