Personal Stories
Personal Stories: Three Sisters at the Convent

When I finally settled in Minsk, I came to SS Peter and Paul Cathedral
where I got to know Father Andrew. Then I visited a meeting of the Sisterhood.
I learned more about St Elisabeth when I started visiting this place, the
Convent. It was a construction site at that time. I was amazed to learn that I
was born on the day of St Elisabeth.
I considered myself to be part of the Sisterhood because I attended its
meetings but I did not have any obedience yet. I often came to the basement
church of St Nicholas to pray. I remember how I travelled from my native town
to Minsk with a strong intent to work at the Convent. I fell asleep and had a
dream or some strange feeling that the train was going to Alapayevsk.

My mother had a story she kept silent about for a long time. She was
born prematurely. It happened that when my grandmother was pregnant, she ran
after a cow across the field, fell on her belly and gave birth to my mother
right there in the open. Everyone was sure that the child would die, and my
grandmother had strong inflammation. The baby lay on a bed waiting for death to
come; even a coffin was ready. Nevertheless, my grandfather had a dream that
night: a Guardian Angel appeared to him and said, “Name the baby girl Vera
(Faith), and if you have faith that she survives, she will survive.” They sent
for a priest who baptised my mum with the name Vera, and she survived.
I became a nun thanks to the prayers of St Euphrosyne of Polotsk. I
visited the convent in Polotsk twice, each time staying for a week there,
working and praying. And then I came to our Convent.
My favourite saint is St Ambrose of Optina. I hoped very much that I
would be given the name Ambrosia during the tonsure. However, our Metropolitan
never gives male names to nuns so chances were slim. I prayed before the
tonsure asking to be given an ancient name. As a result, I received a name that
hardly anyone could remember at first.
I have felt the connection with our saints since the day of our tonsure,
and I feel that they pray for us. People generally pray to these three saints
for unity, for resolution of family conflicts, of civil conflicts, of
interfaith conflicts. The relics of these holy martyrs were brought to our
convent from Holy Mount Athos half a year after our tonsure. Regardless of how
unworthy we might be, our patron saints continue to pray for us. As far as we
are concerned, we pray to die on one and the same day because we are afraid to
die separately...