Robert Koch, a German microbiologist, announced his discovery of the
tuberculosis pathogen on March 24, 1882. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Medicine in 1905, and the WHO declared March 24 the World TB Day in 1993. This
terrible disease is responsible for 1.6 million deaths annually.
The State Institution “The National Applied Research Centre of
Pulmonology and Physiatry” was opened in our city on August 21, 1928. Our
sisters of mercy carry out their obedience in this place. Today we talk with
one of them.
Lubov, can you tell us about your obedience?

Can you
give us some examples?

Dima took a vow. He told God that he was ready to sacrifice his own life
for his parents to turn to God... Soon this boy reposed in the Lord. He passed
away as a devout Christian.
Lubov, why did you start visiting this place?
Thing is, I was here as a patient a couple of times. So I know this
suffering firsthand. I got ill with TB in 2005... As soon as I was discharged from
hospital, I was thinking that I would never in my life come back again!
You see, I hated even the ubiquitous smell of antiseptics! However, God's will
is above all... In the meantime I took the blessing to begin my obedience here.
Now I visit the patients of this center every week. Surprisingly enough, almost
all the sisters who have their obedience in the TB center, used to be its
patients like me! Only Leah (Sister Leah Chekan reposed in the Lord on February
25, 2014) never got ill with this disease. God has His plans for each one of
When our
interview was over, Sister Lubov shared some good news with us: one of the
patients of the center had asked her to get information about the possibility
of employment at one of the Convents workshops. Sounds pretty normal, doesn't it? The person is
looking for a job, so what? However, the fact that he hopes to find the job in
the Convent is a small yet significant victory!