Ministry of St.Elisabeth Convent
Ministry Update: A wonderland for children
Angel and Porcelain Bells

The Wondrous Journey Begins Here
The children surrounded the Angel and led him along the monastery walls.
Here they met other children who looked as if they came from a different
fairy tale: their smiles and their eyes were different — they were sunny
children, indeed.
We adults know that some people live in boarding homes. We also know
that some children are born with disabilities. However, this fact does not mean
they must be left alone. We know it, too; so we do your best to break down the

«Oh, where am I? » the guest shook off her blue dress (she wasn't
frightened at all, it seemed) and introduced herself, «I'm Alice. What are your
names? »
Everyone introduced themselves. Alice looked around:
— How interesting! Let's see what's going on here.
— Oh, look, a tree! A tree is walking towards us! — exclaimed a young
The living tree had many pointers on its branches: Turn Right; No, Turn
Left; Go Forward; Stand Still, It's Way Better.

— Where do you want to get? — The Tree asked.
— Wherever. — Alice replied.
— Well, then you can go wherever you want. — The Tree stretched his
branches in all directions.
The Tree paused to think.
How Can One Be In Three Places At
— Did I hear that someone wanted to get to three places at once? —
someone's smile hung in the air. — It's easy! You simply have to walk
A Rabbit came and took a watch from his pocket. The watch turned out to
be a map.
— You simply have to decide which train you take. — The face, the paws,
and the tail of the Cheshire Cat appeared. — And then you are ready to travel
around our Wonderland.
Everyone wanted to travel around the Wonderland. The children formed
three very long trains led by Alice, the Cat, and the Rabbit. The children went
to the Wonderland, and each of them had a magic land of their own.
The Wonderland is the place where everything seems strange and
The Wonderland is the place where everything is made of fruit jelly.
The Wonderland is the place where Mom and Dad live.
The Wonderland is the place where I will ache no more.
What Is Essential Is Invisible To
The Eye
Everything in this Wonderland is unusual. Strong giants and little plywood
men live in the Wonderland. Everyone can taste delicious and sweet buns that
make you a better person. Everyone sings and dances. Little dogs walk on their
hind legs. Mimes, rather than traffic lights, regulate the traffic. In the
evening, the streets are lit with stars, not lanterns. People tell each other
fairy tales instead of news. The tourists keep colorful cartoons in their
albums to remember their journey around this country. You can always return to
this land, and you don't need to buy a train ticket. You can simply
look into your heart...