
Three Short Parables About People Who Left the Church

Three Short Parables About People Who Left the Church

Three Short Parables About People Who Left the Church

Three parables about the people who left the Church because they had been hurt by tactless and rude people: 1. Archpriest Dmitry Smirnov


The Paradoxes of Spiritual Life: How Repentance Makes Us See

The Paradoxes of Spiritual Life: How Repentance Makes Us See

The Paradoxes of Spiritual Life: How Repentance Makes Us See

Spiritual life is full of paradoxes. Thus, an individual doesn’t notice his sins before he turns to God. He can’t even imagine that


“Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss": the Historical Meaning of the "Holy Kiss"

“Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss

“Greet One Another with a Holy Kiss": the Historical Meaning of the "Holy Kiss"

Next in this commentary series on the Divine Liturgy I would like examine the Peace and the Creed. The liturgical exchange of the


Photo Blog: a New Tradition on the Feast Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Photo Blog: a New Tradition on the Feast Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord

Photo Blog: a New Tradition on the Feast Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord

On the feast day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, a night festive Liturgy was celebrated on the territory of the Men's rehabilitation


The Role of Cross Processions in Orthodox Christianity

The Role of Cross Processions in Orthodox Christianity

The Role of Cross Processions in Orthodox Christianity

Cross processions in Russia have a vibrant history and are hugely popular. So much so that 60,000 Russians are willing to walk 100


How To Deal With an Alcoholic Relative

How To Deal With an Alcoholic Relative

How To Deal With an Alcoholic Relative

Question: My son drinks heavily and keeps telling me that he doesn’t want to live any longer. He says, “I’m going to hang


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