In fact, this
last date is the most ancient of all the feast days devoted to St. Stephen. In
the sources, which have been preserved to this day, the earliest references to
the liturgical honoring are the word of Gregory of Nyssa to St. Basil the Great
and two homilies devoted to the first martyr himself, which were announced on
his feast day, December 26, and the next day in the year 386. The existence of
liturgical speeches devoted to St. Stephen proves that he was widely honored in
the 4th century almost in all parishes on the territory of the Roman

In the Lucian’s
story the uncovering of the relics in connected with the name of Gamaliel.
According to the message, Gamaliel came to the mentioned presbyter in a dream
and ordered to dig out the remains of St. Stephen. As far as there is neither earlier information about Kafargamala, nor information about honoring
Gamaliel and his connection with the village, it may be concluded that the link
between Kafargamala and Gamaliel was the work of the author of the “message”.
Perhaps, he made such a decision because of the consonance of the name of a
famous Pharisee and the name of the village. However, it is possible that in
the 4th century there was a certain story about Gamaliel, which was
used by the author.
On the other
hand, we have already found out that St. Stephen was honored even before the
uncovering of his relics. It is possible that the reverence of the first martyr was
connected with the village Kafargamala, where in the 4th century
people could venerate the alleged grave of Stephen. In December, 415, the
relics of St. Stephen were found. It is very likely that the legend about
Gamaliel, who had buried St. Stephen, was created for that very event or even
It seems that
in 415 the relics of Nicodemus and Aviv were brought to the church on mount
Sion together with the relics of St. Stephen; the remains of a Christian buried
near the grave of St. Stephen could be taken as the relics of Gamaliel. They
could be considered his relics on the ground that the village was identified as
belonging to Gamaliel.
However, we can
only assume about this. Nevertheless, the uncovering of the relics occurred not in
September, but in December 415. According to the Byzantine historians and chroniclers,
September 428, relates to the translation of the relics to Constantinople under
the rule of Empress Pulcheria.
Most likely,
only a part of the holy relics was brought there. Under Emperor Anastasis I (years
of rule 491 – 518) the whole relics were transferred in August, which is why people
began to honor the feast of the Translation of the relics in August more than the
feast day in September. Particularly, in the Russian Orthodox Church the translation
is commemorated on August 2. As for today’s “uncovering”, in some eastern
menologies and calendars the day of September 15 was marked with the word “uncovering”
instead of the word “translation” by mistake or just because of the mixture of
various events. In this form the description and the name of the feast moved to
the menologies and calendars of the Slavs.
Source: http://www.bogoslov.ru/text/1122197.html