Icons of
Ss Joachim and Anna embracing each other tenderly are decorously showing the
Conception of the Theotokos, Mary – their only child. The scene is part of the
greater narrative of Mary’s origins, described in the 2nd century writing
Protoevangelium of James and celebrated on the feastday of her birth: the
Nativity of the Theotokos. However, in Russia especially, this specific scene –
the Conception of the Theotokos – has become a focus of devotion for many of
the faithful.
The key
to understanding such focus on this particular feastday is to remember that
Joachim and Anna were an elderly couple who had all but given up hope of
bearing a child. In Jewish culture at the time, to be unable to bear children
was considered a great shame, and even a sign of God’s displeasure. Through the
couples’ entreaties to God, Joachim and Anna were granted a child, and not only
that, but a child who would give birth to the Saviour of the World. For this
reason, St Anna has long been understood by Christians to answer the prayers of
women wishing to become pregnant. Moreover, in Russia it is towards icons of
the Conception that such entreaties have been directed.
The Conception Icon used in Prayers for

The hymns
and prayers of the Church are inexhaustible, but it is a common feature that
prayers asking for something also contain a confession of faith. Even the
simplest of entreaties: Lord have mercy! is also a confession of God’s
sovereignty, because it calls Him “Lord.” By directing prayers for conceiving
children towards icons of St. Mary’s Conception, we are also confessing that
God can and has done this in the past, granting the barren Anna a child. Before
such an image, it is easy to imagine how a childless couple may empathize, and
pray for a similar miracle in their own lives.
Since thy prayer was heard by God
When thou wast barren and full of grief,
Do thou entreat Him, O righteous Anna,
For those women who are with child.
– From
the Canon to the Righteous Joachim and Anna
Composition of the Conception Icon
The icon
of the Conception of the Theotokos is very simple. Joachim and Anna tenderly
embrace, standing before a bed. Without being explicit, it is boldly confessed
that, whilst a miracle granted to a barren couple, the conception of St Mary
happened through natural means. This can be compared with Icons of the
Annunciation, which could be described as the Conception of Jesus Christ: in
those icons Mary is not shown with Joseph; Mary remained a virgin.
In the
corners, Joachim and Anna are shown separately. According to the
Protoevangelium, in his grief Joachim retired to the desert in fasting and
prayer for forty days, whilst Anna remained lamenting at home. An angel was
sent to each of the holy couple announcing that their entreaties had been heard
by God and that they should return to each other to conceive: the main scene
shows the happy meeting.
In the
background are the walls of Jerusalem, with the bed placed before the Royal
Gates. The gates are a prefiguration of Mary, who by being the Mother of God is
the royal gates through which the King of Kings, Jesus Christ, enters the world.
Today the bonds of barrenness are broken,
God has heard the prayers of Joachim and
He has promised them beyond all their hopes,
To bear the Maiden of God
By whom the Uncircumscribed One was born as
mortal man,
Who commanded an angel to cry to Her:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace, the Lord is with
Source: https://iconreader.wordpress.com/2011/12/08/conception-of-the-theotokos-by-joachim-and-anna/