Saint John of Kronstadt recalled this vision which
he had in January of 1901:
evening prayers I laid down to rest a little in my dimly lit cell since I was
fatigued. Hanging before the icon of the Mother of God was my lit lampada. Not
more than a half hour had passed when I heard soft rustle. Someone touched my
left shoulder, and in tender voice said to me, 'Arise servant of God John and
follow the will of God!'

the wall vanished, and I walked with the starets toward a green field and saw a
mass of crosses-thousands standing as gravemarkers. They were wooden, clay, or
gold. I asked the starets, 'What are these crosses for' He softly answered,
"These crosses are for those who suffered and were murdered for their
faith in Christ and for the Word of God and have become martyrs!"
And so we
continued to walk. Suddenly I saw an entire river of blood and asked the
starets, 'What is the meaning of this blood? How much has been spilled?' The
starets looked around and replied, This is the blood of true Christians!' The
starets then pointed to some clouds, and I saw mass of burning white lamps.
They began to fall to the ground one after another by the tens and by the
hundreds. During their descent they grew dim and turned to ashes. The starets
then said to me, 'Look!' I saw on a cloud seven burning lamps. I asked, 'What
is the meaning of the burning lamps which fell to the ground' He said, Those
are the churches of God which have fallen into heresy, but these seven lamps on
the clouds are the seven Catholic and Apostolic Churches which will remain
until the end of the world!'
starets then pointed high into the air and I saw and heard angels singing,
'Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabbaoth!' Then a large crowd of people with candles
in their hands rushed by with joy on their shining faces. They were
archbishops, monks, nuns, groups of laymen, young adults, and even children and
babies. I asked the wonderworking starets, 'What is the meaning of these
people' He responded, These are all the people who suffered for the Holy,
Catholic, Apostolic Church, for the holy icons at the hands of the wicked
destroyers.' I then asked the great starets if I could sit down next to them.
The starets said, 'It is too early for you to suffer, so joining them would not
be blessed by God!'
Again I
saw a large group of infants who had suffered for Christ under Herod and had
received crowns from the Heavenly King. We walked further and went into large
church. I wanted to make the sign of the cross, but the starets said, 'It is
not necessary to cross yourself because this is a place of abomination and
desolation!' The church was very gloomy. On the altar was a star and a Gospel
book with stars. Candles made of tar were burning and crackling like firewood.
The chalice was standing there covered by strong stench. There was prosphora
with stars. A priest stood before the altar with face like pitch and woman was
under the altar covered in red with a star on her lips and she screamed and
laughed throughout the church saying, 'I am free!' I thought Oh, Lord, how
awful! The people, like madmen, began to run around the altar, scream, whistle,
and clap their hands. Then they began to sing lecherous songs. Suddenly
lightning flashed, frightening thunderbolt resounded, the earth trembled, and
the church collapsed, sending the woman, the people, the priest, and the rest
into the abyss. I thought Oh Lord, how awful, save us!
starets saw what had happened as did I. I asked, 'Father, tell me, what is the
meaning of this frightening church?' He responded, These are the earthly people,
heretics who have abandoned the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and recognized
the newly innovated church which God has not blessed. In this church they do
not fast, do not attend services, and do not receive Holy Communion!' I was
frightened and said, The Lord has pity on us, but curses those with death!' The
starets interrupted me and said, 'Do not mourn, but just pray!' Then I saw a
throng of people, each of whom had a star on his lips and was. terribly
exhausted from thirst, walking here and there. They saw us and yelled loudly,
'Holy Fathers, pray for us. It is very hard for us because we ourselves cannot.
Our Fathers and Mothers did not teach us the Law of God. 'We do not even have
the name of Christ, and we have received no peace. We rejected the Holy Spirit
and the sign of the cross!' They began to cry.
followed after the starets. 'Look!' he said pointing with his hand. I saw a
mountain of human corpses stained in blood. I was very frightened, and I asked
the starets, 'What is the meaning of these dead bodies?' He replied, These are
people who lived the monastic life, were rejected by the Antichrist, and did
not receive his seal. They suffered for their faith in Christ and the Apostolic
Church and received martyrs crowns dying for Christ. Pray for these servants of
warning the starets turned to the north and pointed with his hand. I saw an
imperial palace, around which dogs were running. Wild beasts and scorpions were
roaring and charging and baring their teeth. And I saw the Tsar sitting on a
throne. His face was pale and masculine. He was reciting the Jesus Prayer.
Suddenly he fell like a dead man. His crown fell. The wild beasts, dogs, and
scorpions trampled on the anointed Sovereign. I was frightened and cried
bitterly. The starets took me by my right shoulder. I saw a figure shrouded in
white - it was Nicholas II. On his head was a wreath of green leaves, and his
face was white and somewhat bloodied. He wore a gold cross around his neck and
was quietly whispering a prayer. And then he said to me with tears, 'Pray for
me, Fr. John. Tell all Orthodox Christians that I, the Tsar-martyr, died
manfully for my faith in Christ and the Orthodox Church. Tell the Holy Fathers
that they should serve a Panachida for me, a sinner, but there will be no grave
for me!'
everything became hidden in the fog. I cried bitterly praying for the
Tsar-martyr. My hands and feet trembled from fear. The starets said, :Look!
Then I saw a throng of people scattered about the land who had died from starvation
while others were eating grass and vegetation. Dogs were devouring the bodies
of the dead, and the stench was terrible. I thought, Oh Lord, these people had
no faith. From their lips they expelled blasphemy, and for this they received
God's anger.
I also
saw an entire mountain of books and among the books worms were crawling
emitting ? terrible stench. I asked the starets, 'What was the meaning of these
books?' ?? said, These books are the Godlessness and blasphemy which will
infect all Christians with heretical teachings!' Then the starets touched his
staff to some of the books, and they ignited into flames. The wind scattered
the ashes. Further on, I saw a church around which was a large pile of prayer
intentions for the departed. I bent over and wanted to read them, but the
starets said, These prayer requests for the dead have been lying here for many
years, and the priests have forgotten about them. They are never going to read
them, but the dead will ask someone to pray for them!' I asked, 'Who, will they
get to pray for them?' The starets answered: 'The Angels will pray for them!'
proceeded further, and the starets quickened the pace so that I could hardly
keep up with him. 'Look!' he said. I saw a large crowd of people being
persecuted by demons who were beating them with stakes, pitchforks, and hooks.
I asked the starets, 'What is the meaning of these people?' He answered, These
are the ones who renounced their faith and left the Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
Church and accepted the new innovative church. This group represents priests,
monks, nuns, and laymen who renounced their vows or marriage, and engaged in
drinking and all sorts of blasphemy and slander. All of these have terrible
faces and a terrible stench comes from their mouths. The demons beat them,
driving them into the terrible abyss, from where hell fire comes forth. ' I was
terribly frightened. I made the sign of the cross while praying, Lord deliver
us from such a fate!
I then
saw a group of people, both old and young, all of whom were terribly dressed,
and who were raising a large, five pointed star. On each corner were twelve
demons and in the middle was Satan himself with terrifying horns and a straw
head. He emitted a noxious foam onto the people while pronouncing these words,
'Arise you accursed ones with the seal of …..' Suddenly many demons appeared
with branding irons and on all the people they placed the seal: on their lips,
above the elbow and on their right hands. I asked the starets, 'What is the
meaning of this?' He responded, This is the mark of the Antichrist!' I made the
sign of the cross and followed after the starets.

starets took me by the hand and forbade me to cry. 'What is pleasing to God is
that Our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and shed His precious blood for us. Such
ones will become martyrs who do not accept the seal of the antichrist, and all
who shed their blood will receive heavenly crowns.' The starets then prayed for
these servants of God and pointed to the east as the words of the Prophet
Daniel came true, 'Abomination of desolation.' Finally, I saw the cupola of
Jerusalem. Above it was a star. Within the church millions of people thronged and
still many more were trying to enter inside. I wanted to make the sign of the
cross, but the starets grabbed my hand and said, 'Here is the abomination of
So we
entered into the church, and it was full of people. I saw an altar on which
tallow candles were burning. On the altar was a king in red, blazing, porphyry.
On his head was a golden crown with a star. I asked the starets, 'Who is this?'
He replied, 'The Antichrist!' He was very tall with eyes like fire, black
eyebrows, a wedge-shaped beard, a ferocious, cunning, evil, and terrible face.
He alone was on the altar and he reached his hands out to the people. He had
claws as those of a tiger for hands and he shouted, 'I am King. I am God. I am
the Leader. He who does not have my seal will be put to death.' All the people
fell down and worshipped him, and he began to place his seal on their lips and
on their hands in order that they should receive some bread and not die from
hunger and thirst.
the Antichrist his servants were leading several people whose hands were bound
as they had not bowed down to worship him. They said, "We are Christians,
and we all believe in our Lord Jesus Christ!' The Antichrist ripped off their
heads in a flash and Christian blood began to flow A child was then led to the
altar of the Antichrist to worship him, but he boldly proclaimed, 'I am a
Christian and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, but you are a minister, a
servant of Satan!' 'Death to him!' exclaimed the Antichrist. Others who
accepted the seal of the Antichrist fell down and worshipped him. Suddenly roar
of thunder resounded and thousand lightning flashes began to sparkle. Arrows
began to strike the servants of the Antichrist. Then a large flaming arrow
flashed by and hit the Antichrist himself on the head. As he waved his hand,
his crown fell and was crushed into the ground. Then millions of birds flew in
and perched on the servants of the Antichrist.
I felt
the starets take me by the hand. We walked further on, and I again saw much
Christian blood. It was here that I remembered the words of Saint John the
Theologian in the book of Revelation that blood would 'be up to the horse's
bridle.' I thought, Oh my God, save us! At that time I saw Angels flying and
singing, 'Holy, Holy, Holy. Lord of Sabbaoth!' The starets looked back and went
on to say, 'Do not grieve, for soon, very soon, will come the end of the world!
Pray to the Lord. God be merciful to His servants!' Time was drawing near to
close. He pointed to the east, fell to his knees and began to pray So I prayed
with him. Then the starets began to quickly depart from the earth to the
heights of heaven. As he did so I remembered that I did not know his name, so cried
out loudly, 'Father, what is your name?' He tenderly replied, 'Seraphim of
That is
what 'saw, and this is what ' have recorded for Orthodox Christians. A large
bell rang above my head, and I heard the sound and arose from bed. 'Lord, bless
and help me through the prayers of the great starets! You have enlightened me,
the sinful servant, the priest John of Kronstadt."