When you
choose a patron saint, you bear their name. Naming and name changes play a
significant part of biblical history. Abram is changed to Abraham. Sarai to
Sarah. Jacob is changed to Israel. The Apostle Peter from Simon. Many early
Christians took the names of martyrs. The man who murdered Saint Matthew the
Apostle, when he became a Christian, took the name of Matthew. When the
Orthodox are baptized as children or adults they take a name of a saint. When
an Orthodox Christian becomes a monk, a new name is given at that time as well.
In the life after this one, we are told we will be given a new name still
(Revelation 2:17).

patron saints also come name days. A name day is the day one's patron saint is
honored. I will celebrate Saint Nicholas's name day on December 6th and Laura
will celebrate Saint Bathildis's name day on January 30th. A name day is
considered to be more important that one's own birthday as it represents one's
baptism. If possible we will attend a service at church, have some sort or
celebration at home, reflect on their example and try to do likewise.
There are
various ways in which one takes a saint's name. It is common for converts to
take a name of a saint whose name they already share. A person named Andrew
will choose Saint Andrew. Someone named James might choose Saint James. It is
also common to choose a saint that is nothing like your name. Sometimes a saint
will be honored by the baptized's middle name. I have some friends who no
longer go by the name they were born with and I have only know them by their
baptismal name. In Serbian churches, there is a patron saint for the entire
family rather than for every individual.

I will be
referred to by my baptismal name every time I partake of the Eucharist,
"The servant of God Nicholas receives the precious and all-holy Body and
Blood of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ for remission of sins and for
eternal life", and when I die, "For You are the resurrection, the
life, and the repose of Your servant Nicholas, who has fallen asleep, O Christ
our God..."
Source: http://ourorthodoxlife.blogspot.com.by/2010/12/patron-saints.html