What can we learn from Apostle Andrew?
are keeping today the feast of St Andrew, whom we call in the Orthodox Church
"The First-Called". We meet him for the first time in the Gospel on
the banks of the River Jordan as disciple of St John the Baptist, together with
him that later became St John the Divine, St John the Evangelist. Together
with him, and hundreds of people he heard John, his teacher, his guide in the
life of repentance proclaim Jesus who was coming towards them as the Lamb of
God who takes upon Himself the sins of the world, declare Him to bе Him for whose sake he has come to the banks of
Jordan to preach repentance, to turn the hearts of men towards their God, to
call them to a new life of faithfulness.
And having heard that in Jesus this
expectation, this longing had been fulfilled, Andrew, together with John,
leaves his master, his teacher, the one who has turned his soul towards God,
given him newness of life, he turns away from him, leaves him to follow Jesus,
because this is why his master had come into the world: that he may proclaim
Jesus in His coming, and then diminish for Christ to grow, before the eyes of
men, in the lives of men, to be forgotten, because he was only the Forerunner.
To act as St Andrew did proved him to be a
true disciple of his master; and how much each of us, all of us, we could learn
in this act of greatness of heart, because it is hard to have found one who
discloses to you what is precious in life, what is significant before God, who
sets you on the way of repentance and of a new life, and then discover that he
was nothing but a forerunner, nothing but one who
was there to prepare the way of the Lord, and turn away from him, leave him to
bring his message to others in order oneself to follow the Lord for whose sake
he had preached, he had taught, he had been in the midst of men.

From that moment they become His
disciples, they never will separate themselves from Him, they remain with Him,
and their story merges with that of the other disciples - Peter, whom Andrew
brings to Jesus, to whom he discloses Him Whom he has already discovered; John,
who brings his brother, and all the other ones — Philip and Nathaniel, and
everyone else.

And when the Apostles dispersed to bring
the good news to the whole world, he also goes to preach, and the story of his
life brings him to the East and to the North, and we are told that he reaches
as the ultimate point of his preaching the hills of Kiev in pagan Russia. And
then he returns to die the death of martyrdom, in a manly, in аn unhesitating
wау, dies,
crucified as his Master.
How much we can learn from the life of
this man, a simple man of Galilee who knew how to listen to a message, and to
follow, first him who prepared the way of the Lord and then had the greatness
of heart, the faithfulness to let go of the first hand that had brought him to
the gates of eternity to follow Him Who was eternity, Life, God come into the
world, and who throughout his life remained faithful, and was proof-prepared to
pay the cost of this faithfulness, so that we may live, we may receive his message, we may also,
through him, discover our Lord, and follow our only God, our only Lord, our
only Saviour. Amen.
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