Saint Juliana of Lazarevo as a Model for a Pious and Virtuous life

Righteous Juliana of Lazarevo and Murom displays an astonishing example of a selfless Russian Christian woman. She was the daughter of a nobleman, Justin Nediurov. From her young years, she lived piously, fasted strictly and allotted much time to prayer. Having been orphaned early on, she was given over to the care of relatives, who did not understand her and laughed at her. Juliana bore everything patiently and uncomplainingly.

Her love for people was expressed in the fact that she often tended the sick and sewed clothing for the poor. The pious and virtuous life of the maiden attracted the attention of the owner of the village of Lazarevo (not far from Murom), Yuri Osorin, who soon married her. The husband's parents came to love their modest daughter-in-law and put the management of the household into her hands. Domestic cares did not interrupt Juliana's spiritual struggles. She would always find time for prayer and was constantly ready to feed orphans and clothe the poor. During a severe famine, she, going without food herself, would give up her last bit of food to a beggar. When an epidemic began after the famine, Juliana devoted herself wholly to the care of the sick.

Righteous Juliana had six sons and a daughter. After the loss of two sons, she decided to withdraw to a monastery, but her husband persuaded her to remain in the world in order to continue to raise the children. According to the testimony of Juliana's son, Callistratus Osorin, who wrote her life, she became even more demanding of herself at this time: she increased her fasting and prayer and would sleep no more than two hours at night, having placed a log under her head.

Upon the death of her husband, Juliana distributed her portion of the inheritance to the poor. Living in extreme poverty, she nonetheless was always full of the joy of life and affable, and she thanked the Lord for everything. The Saint was counted worthy of a visitation from Hierarch Nicholas the Wonderworker and of instruction from the Mother of God on church prayer. When righteous Juliana departed unto the Lord, she was buried alongside her husband in the church of Saint Lazarus. Here also her daughter, Schema-nun Theodosia, was buried. In the year 1614, the relics of the righteous one were found, which gave off a fragrant myrrh from which many received healing.

Source: https://stjohndc.org/en/orthodoxy-foundation/saints/righteous-juliana-lazarevo