What is the Eucharist and why do we partake?

What is the Eucharist and why do we partake?

What is the Eucharist and why do we partake?

One of my greatest stumbling blocks coming into the Orthodox Church was the closed communion table. Growing up Protestant, my experience was that


Seven Parables and Stories for the Week: Issue 20

Seven Parables and Stories for the Week: Issue 20

Seven Parables and Stories for the Week: Issue 20

Why God Didn’t Give Us Wings There was a hunter who went hunting in the forest and the fields. One day, it took


Making Time for Prayer While Raising Children

Making Time for Prayer While Raising Children

Making Time for Prayer While Raising Children

Today we lead such busy lives that many say, "I don't even have time for prayer.  At the end of the say I


Excerpts from Sermons: Trust in God Means Full Submission to His Will

Excerpts from Sermons: Trust in God Means Full Submission to His Will

Excerpts from Sermons: Trust in God Means Full Submission to His Will

By Fr. Andrew Lemeshonok It is painful to live in this ephemeral world because everything is built on sand — on sins like


A List of 298 Passions by Saint Peter of Damaskos

A List of 298 Passions by Saint Peter of Damaskos

A List of 298 Passions by Saint Peter of Damaskos

These, then, are the passions which I have found named in the Holy Scriptures. I have set them down in a single list,


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