Our Lord said of
Himself: I am the Good Shepherd. To you the Chief Apostle Peter, He said: If
you love Me, feed My sheep. And Peter said: Yes, Lord, You know that I love
You. I am Jesus, He said to you, O Paul the Chief Apostle, and of you, our Lord
said: This is My chosen instrument to carry My Name before the Gentiles. Jesus
instructed those who were your fellow disciples as well as His apostles: As My
Father sent Me, so have I sent you, go and make disciples of all nations. Since
you have the same grace from your Master, as after our Lord the Great Pastor of
all, shepherd us to salvation that we may call to you:
Rejoice, Saints
Peter and Paul together with all the holy apostles.
Ikos 1
Blessed are you
Simon, son of Jonah, for Christ the Son of the Living God said to you, O
Apostle Peter: You are worthy of glory. How may we be worthy of your
blessedness, O blessed one of God? Truly, because of our loving duty, we may
come to you in faith and now we sing to you:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, first
after Christ among the apostles and foundation of the Holy Church.
Rejoice, powerful pillar of the
Orthodox Faith and Its confirmation.
Rejoice, zealous lover of the
teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, first-seated of the
Apostolic College.
Rejoice, good gatekeeper of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, renowned physician of
those who repent of their sins.
Rejoice, rejecter of worldly
vanity and lover of the spiritual life.
Rejoice, renouncer of material
nets and fisherman of the universe with imperishable nets.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, who
enlighten like two golden luminaries.
Rejoice, twins yoked together by
God, and His chariots bearing the light of knowledge.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
seers of God, for you are lights of the world.
Rejoice, for through you, through
Christ, everywhere the Faith that saves us shines forth.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 2
You believed,
having accepted the miraculous call from above, O teacher of nations, when
Jesus said to you: Saul, why do you persecute Me Who cannot be comprehended by
doubt? But from now on, you will believe because the boldness of the adversary
is overcome. You have been chosen as witness of My destiny before kings and
nations and before the sons of Israel. Hereafter, you understood, Apostle Paul
chosen by God, for you cried out: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
Saul heard the
voice from Heaven and after that he could not see for he had persecuted the
incomprehensible One, and for zeal of the Law he exchanged his sight. However,
he was led to the font and received Baptism by faith, and in immersion he
gained sight in both his physical and spiritual eyes. Awed by your wondrous
calling, we gratefully cry out to you:
Rejoice, Apostle Paul, called by
God, for you were sent to preach to all nations.
Rejoice, for you flow with sweet
faith in Christ toward all men.
Rejoice, eyewitness illumined by
the Divine Light from above.
Rejoice, for you were enlightened
above others by grace after the shadow of the Law.
Rejoice, converser with the Lord
Jesus who appeared to you on earth.
Rejoice, for you were
strengthened by Him Whom you denounced with daring faithlessness.
Rejoice, enlightener of the
entire world by your divinely inspired writings.
Rejoice, laborer above others,
after Christ, for the salvation of mankind.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, for you
are like two cherubim covering the ark of the Holy Church.
Rejoice, for you are like two
seraphim standing before the Throne of the Most Holy.
Rejoice, stars who crown the
Church, the Bride of Christ.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
for you are proclaimers of the glory of God in Heaven.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 3
You were filled
with wondrous fear, holy Apostle Peter, when you saw the sheet being lowered
from above and in it was a parable of God’s love of mankind. All the animals,
even the unclean, symbolized that it is not right to turn away those of other
nations who desire to believe in Christ Jesus. Peter, having understood this
mystery, cried out: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
The defiled
nurture of the evil and impious generation has never entered my mouth, you
said, most blessed Apostle Peter. Notwithstanding, the Divine Wisdom answered
you with a voice from Heaven: What God has cleansed, you must not call common.
By this was signified that the Savior did not come to call the righteous, but
sinners to repentance. This which was revealed to you, we have understood and
now we may sing:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, for you
mercifully reveal the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, for you regard not the
exterior but the deeds of all nations.
Rejoice, for you cover with your
love our many sins.
Rejoice, for you fulfill with
your mercy our meager repentance.
Rejoice, quick helper of those
who call to you in time of spiritual trouble.
Rejoice, honorable uplifter of
the dead in spirit and body by your prayers.
Rejoice, by the Holy Spirit you
strengthen the faithful who hear your words.
Rejoice, for your words are like
darts which strike the faithless.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two eyes
of the Church who see divine things.
Rejoice, righteous protectors of
the New Israel.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who stand as vigilant guards on the walls of Jerusalem.
Rejoice, our instructors who are
concerned for all Christian souls.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 4
You began your
preaching to the Jews dwelling in Damascus, O divinely inspired Apostle Paul,
calling them to believe in Christ Jesus the Son of God. You wondrously led them
into belief, for you yourself came to believe in the Name of Jesus Christ whose
followers you had persecuted. When others conspired to kill you, and you saw
their plan and the hardness of their hearts, you handed them over to their own
blindness and faithlessness. Then, by the faithful, you were lowered to safety
over the wall in a basket and you cried out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Apostle Paul,
you preached with mighty zeal the renunciation of past services to the ancient
Law and circumcision. You called all to approach the font of divine Baptism.
You preached not only to the Hebrews, but also to the Gentiles of whom you
became a most beloved teacher. For this cause we truly call to you:
Rejoice, Apostle Paul, preacher
sent by God to proclaim repentance to sinners.
Rejoice, evangelizer of virtue
and denouncer of evil.
Rejoice, merciful greeter to
faith in Christ of those lost Gentiles who have found the Way.
Rejoice, true instructor of the
True Way.
Rejoice, saving-vessel of those
drowning in their sins.
Rejoice, pilot who guides us into
the harbor of pleasing God.
Rejoice, comforter who comes
quickly to the aid of those who suffer.
Rejoice, unmercenary healer of
those who suffer physical and spiritual weaknesses.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
wings of the Church given by Christ the Great Eagle.
Rejoice, two wings of the dove
given by the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
pure like doves and soaring on wings like eagles.
Rejoice, those who were assembled
together when Christ was in the flesh.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 5
Holy Apostle
Peter, you were a fisherman laboring by the sweat of your brow when you were
called to be an apostle. You believed in Christ who nourishes wholly and who
fed five thousand from five loaves of bread. Following Him in search of the
imperishable food which is for eternal life, you cried to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
You were barred
by the high priests and elders of Judea to teach in the Name of the Lord Jesus,
O blessed Apostle Peter. You then armored yourself with the assurance of the
Faith saying that, above all, one must submit to God rather than to men. For
this you suffered imprisonment and wounds. Yet, you left rejoicing after you
appeared before the Council, and for the Name of the Lord you were counted
worthy to bear persecution. We now come to you rejoicing and say:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, victor
over the gathering of Jews, with the writings of the prophets concerning
Rejoice, destroyer of the
spider’s web of arguments of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Rejoice, worker of many miracles
by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for you give mobility to
the crippled and sight to the blind.
Rejoice, for you raised from the
bed of illness by your shadow.
Rejoice, healer of many who
suffered from evil spirits.
Rejoice, fisherman who calls us
to miraculous fishing.
Rejoice, for you attract
unbelievers to true belief by your evangelical eloquence.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
sources of nourishment of the Church our Mother and the Bride of Christ.
Rejoice, two vines of grapes who
nourish us and make us rejoice.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
for you are true branches of the True Vine.
Rejoice, for you are good
laborers in the vineyard of Christ.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 6
Saint Paul, you
were an Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin according to the Law of the
Pharisees — who in zeal persecuted the Church of God when you were called to be
an apostle. This you did conceal, but then revealed your former zeal when you
punished the unfaithful of Jesus Christ. Even as you greatly persecuted the
Church of God, so now is She gloriously adorned by you, and by your wondrous
writings She is firmly established and cries out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
What shall
separate us from the love of God — sorrow, or anguish, or persecution or any
other thing? O God-loving preacher Apostle Paul, you spoke this and brought
together all those who believed in Christ through your sincerity in His love.
For the sake of God you suffered courageously, and with thanksgiving we
lovingly call to you thus:
Rejoice, Apostle Paul, for
zealous in the Law you were called Saul.
Rejoice, for as perfect lover of
Christ you were named Paul.
Rejoice, for in the light of
Divine Wisdom you enlightened those in the shadow of ignorance.
Rejoice, guiding-star who guides
those lost in the depths of lawlessness.
Rejoice, for you betrothed the
souls of the faithful to Christ, calling them to the heavenly mansions.
Rejoice, for having yourself
suffered many sorrows, you encouraged others to be patient in their suffering.
Rejoice, by your hands the power
of God was made manifest.
Rejoice, by your handkerchief the
infirm were healed.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
lofty pillars of the Church, asserted by the heavenly Solomon.
Rejoice, two pure lilies on the
pillars of the Church who beautify the Holy Place of God.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who are like flowers exuding perfume for all the world.
Rejoice, by your sweet-smelling
fragrance you ward off evil-smelling unrighteousness.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 7
Saint Peter, you
arrived in Lydda where Aeneas had been bedridden for eight years with
paralysis, and all the people marveled when you raised him up to walk in the
Name of Jesus Christ. By prayer you restored the dead Tabitha to life in Joppa.
When you were called to Caeserea, you enlightened the centurion Cornelius —
baptizing him together with those of his household, and for his sake we all now
call out in one spirit: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
Simon the
Magician thought that he could acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit with
silver, and the blessed Apostle Peter denounced him as the inheritor of
damnation along with his silver. This avaricious attitude of simony is like
stealing holy things and this you strictly prohibited, and so we rightfully
call to you in this manner:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, enricher
of the Church of Christ with spiritual grace.
Rejoice, forbidder of the
acceptance of payment for the sacred in the Church.
Rejoice, you by whom the love of
silver as the root of all evil was severed from spiritual grace.
Rejoice, you by whom evil
bribery, even as idolatry, was rejected from the Holy Church.
Rejoice, teacher for the sake of
Christ of the unmercenary life of non-acquisition.
Rejoice, good fulfiller of
Christ’s commandment that one cannot serve God and mammon.
Rejoice, punisher with harsh
death the robbery of the sacred by Ananias.
Rejoice, punisher also of
Sapphira who conspired with her husband.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
olive trees who bear mercy.
Rejoice, two candles who
illuminate with wisdom.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who are like fruitful olive trees.
Rejoice, for you are all brightly
burning candles in the House of God.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 8
Holy Apostle
Paul, blessed by God, you attained to the third heaven because of your physical
and spiritual holiness, and God enriched you with ineffable gifts when you
descended from the third heaven. You revealed wise and divinely inspired
teachings to all. You amazed all people, both Jews and Gentiles, who were
believers in Christ. Now, together with them and with all the faithful, we are
learners of heavenly teachings and we cry out: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
You were an
example of faith, O Apostle Paul, bearing many wounds from the sword and on
your flesh the marks of stoning which you bore joyously for the sake of the
Sweet Jesus. You heard the call of God and were delivered over to punishment
for your belief in Christ Jesus — as it is right indeed to bear all sorrows
with thankfulness. We therefore come to you in lowliness and cry to you:
Rejoice, Apostle Paul, for you
bore joyously in your body the wounds of the Lord Jesus.
Rejoice, precious stone, strong
in soul and body, who deeply suffered all sorrows.
Rejoice, worshipper of the True
God, for you heeded the call to follow Christ and serve the Church.
Rejoice, incomparable witness of
Christ before peoples and kings.
Rejoice, unconquerable teacher
before the teachers of the Law of Israel.
Rejoice, light-giving ray which
shone forth on the earth below from the third heaven above.
Rejoice, fruitful branch which
springs forth from Paradise with ripe spiritual food.
Rejoice, for the benefits of your
labors, like the sweetest fruit in all the earth, nourished the faithful.
Rejoice, for your teachings, like
a never-waning light, illumined all the earth under the heavens.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two fig
trees planted in the midst of Paradise — the Church.
Rejoice, for you brought forth
the fruit of life and good understanding.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who are like bountiful fig trees and cedars of contemplation.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 9
You were
concerned about all, O blessed Apostle Peter, including those coming into the
Christian Faith — in which the heart and mind must act in harmony. Therefore,
to meet their needs you presented them with virtuous Stephen as a servant
together with six deacons. You and the other apostles then diligently applied
yourselves by prayer and the words of teaching, instructing all believers who
call in one spirit to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 9
You were
inflamed with zeal for your Lord when you cut off the ear of Malchus who was
unwilling to listen to the testimony of the prophets about Jesus Christ.
However, you were restrained by your Master, O holy Apostle Peter, and you were
grateful for His reprimand and for all the hostile actions which you suffered
with patience. Remembering your zeal, we call to you in unity:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, for you surpassed
in your zeal the other disciples.
Rejoice, for you were a
courageous warrior of Christ in the garden.
Rejoice, for you followed Jesus
in His Passion to the house of Caiaphas.
Rejoice, for you were ready to
suffer imprisonment and even death for your Lord.
Rejoice, for your bitter tears
healed your weakness which had led to denial of Christ.
Rejoice, for you were called to
the first rank after the Resurrection of our Lord.
Rejoice, for you have given an
image of repentance for others who have likewise sinned.
Rejoice, for you counseled
repeated forgiveness of the weaknesses of repentant sinners.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
tablets of the Commandments of the Lord.
Rejoice, teachers of the love of
God and of our neighbor.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
for you preserved in totality all the Commandments of our Lord.
Rejoice, for you left all and
walked in the footsteps of Christ and found Him to be all in all.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 10
Apostle Paul,
called by God, you were a powerful witness who proclaimed from the writings of
the prophets concerning Christ before the leaders of Judea — at the trial
before Festus and before King Agrippa. Before both, you were falsely charged,
as many books have also written, and in fury you were sentenced to be sent to
Rome. All this you suffered in thanksgiving and you cried out together with the
faithful people of God: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
Apostle Paul,
you proclaimed the life-giving Trinity as you had been taught in the third heaven.
O pre-ordained vessel of the wondrous divine mysteries, you evangelized
nations, judges and kings –promising salvation to all who willed to believe in
Jesus Christ and who accepted holy Baptism in the Name of the Trinity. For that
reason, all who believe in divine hope of salvation sing to you thus:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, for you surpassed
in your zeal the other disciples.
Rejoice, for you were a
courageous warrior of Christ in the garden.
Rejoice, for you followed Jesus
in His Passion to the house of Caiaphas.
Rejoice, for you were ready to
suffer imprisonment and even death for your Lord.
Rejoice, for your bitter tears
healed your weakness which had led to denial of Christ.
Rejoice, for you were called to
the first rank after the Resurrection of our Lord.
Rejoice, for you have given an
image of repentance for others who have likewise sinned.
Rejoice, for you counseled
repeated forgiveness of the weaknesses of repentant sinners.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, two
tablets of the Commandments of the Lord.
Rejoice, teachers of the love of
God and of our neighbor.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
for you preserved in totality all the Commandments of our Lord.
Rejoice, for you left all and
walked in the footsteps of Christ and found Him to be all in all.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 11
Herod, having
put to death James the son of Zebedee, contrived to seize you, Apostle Peter,
blessed by God, and he threw you into prison. He placed you under heavy guard
for execution, while the sincere prayer of the Church was made for you. Then
the angel of the Lord, having freed you from your chains, led you through the
gates which opened of themselves. You thought you were dreaming, but the angel
departed and you revived and realized that indeed you had been freed by the
power of God. Hence, in gratitude you cried out to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
Philip asked, “O
Lord, show us the Father,” and the blessed Apostle Peter saw on Mount Tabor the
Lord Who was transfigured, and saw His face gloriously shining. And you,
Apostle Paul, heard the voice of God the Father from Heaven say of Him, “This
is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” Accordingly, to
you who were worthy of such an appearance, we reverently cry out:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, faithful
witness of Christ’s Transfiguration.
Rejoice, well-known hearer of the
voice of the Divine Father from Heaven.
Rejoice, for you saw the face of
the Son of God which was like the light of the shining sun.
Rejoice, receiver of the
over-shadowing of the Holy Spirit in a bright cloud of light.
Rejoice, you to whom was opened
the most holy mystery on the holy mountain.
Rejoice, you to whom the glory of
the Holy Trinity appeared.
Rejoice, for you heard that the exodus
of Christ was to take place in Jerusalem.
Rejoice, for your own exodus came
to its end, after Christ, on a cross in Rome.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, like the
two mountains Tabor and Hebron, mounts of reason.
Rejoice, from the East and the
West, the Promised Land appears in Heaven.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who are mountains of Zion.
Rejoice, for you bring forth the
sweetness of salvation for us.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 12
You are of equal
standing to the cherubim and we praise you, blessed Apostle Paul, enlightened
by the Divine Wisdom in the third heaven. You heard words there which cannot be
told, which man may not utter, and with these you covered the world by teaching
others to believe in the Crucified Christ, the Son of God, and to Him as True
God we unceasingly sing: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Chosen vessel of
Christ, most wise Apostle Paul, you were filled with many revelations of the
divine mysteries. In a manner well known, you bore the Name of God who appeared
in the flesh, and you believed in Him as Savior, converting to Him people of
many nations. You labored well in the spiritual effort, and you fulfilled your
most glorious journey in the Name of the Lord in the city of Rome. Finally, you
received there the crown of truth, and we sing to you thus:
Rejoice, Apostle Paul, great
lover of the Name of Christ for which you suffered much.
Rejoice, for you witnessed to His
Name, and of worship in His Name in Heaven and on earth and below the earth.
Rejoice, for you witnessed well
of the Lord in Jerusalem.
Rejoice, for you also witnessed
of Him willingly in Rome.
Rejoice, for you rebuked Emperor
Nero and coveted his wife for the Christian Faith.
Rejoice, for in the same Rome
where Peter was crucified head down, you bowed your own head under the sword.
Rejoice, from your severed head
flowed forth pure milk.
Rejoice, with this wondrous
miracle were brought many warriors who witnessed it to the Faith.
Rejoice, Paul and Peter, two
streams of living water from the flowing-forth of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for your words were
manifested like the unity of the two rivers, Dan and Leddan, which flow into
the Jordan.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles
who are rivers flowing with joy to the City of the Church of God.
Rejoice, rivers of sweetness
which satisfy the faithful with the Cup of Salvation.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
Kontakion 13
Most glorious
and praiseworthy disciples of the Lord, Chief Apostles Peter and Paul and all
the apostles who reign as equals, you enlightened all the world with the Holy
Faith, and with Christ you are destined to judge the entire universe. Glory and
praise are due to you most properly not on earth but in Heaven, and though we
are unworthy we pray that you accept the prayers we offer to you here and now.
From all our troubles we ask you to save us by your worthy intercessions.
Intercede before the righteous Judge Christ to be merciful to us at the
Judgment Seat — that we may be saved, and thankfully praise our Savior God:
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Kontakion 13 three times.)
Kontakion 1 (repeated)
Our Lord said of
Himself: I am the Good Shepherd. To you the Chief Apostle Peter, He said: If
you love Me, feed My sheep. And Peter said: Yes, Lord, You know that I love
You. I am Jesus, He said to you, O Paul the Chief Apostle, and of you, our Lord
said: This is My chosen instrument to carry My Name before the Gentiles. Jesus
instructed those who were your fellow disciples as well as His apostles: As My
Father sent Me, so have I sent you, go and make disciples of all nations. Since
you have the same grace from your Master, as after our Lord the Great Pastor of
all, shepherd us to salvation that we may call to you:
Rejoice, Saints
Peter and Paul together with all the holy apostles.
Ikos 1 (repeated)
Blessed are you
Simon, son of Jonah, for Christ the Son of the Living God said to you, O
Apostle Peter: You are worthy of glory. How may we be worthy of your
blessedness, O blessed one of God? Truly, because of our loving duty, we may
come to you in faith and now we sing to you:
Rejoice, Apostle Peter, first
after Christ among the apostles and foundation of the Holy Church.
Rejoice, powerful pillar of the
Orthodox Faith and Its confirmation.
Rejoice, zealous lover of the
teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, first-seated of the
Apostolic College.
Rejoice, good gatekeeper of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, renowned physician of
those who repent of their sins.
Rejoice, rejecter of worldly
vanity and lover of the spiritual life.
Rejoice, renouncer of material
nets and fisherman of the universe with imperishable nets.
Rejoice, Peter and Paul, who
enlighten like two golden luminaries.
Rejoice, twins yoked together by
God, and His chariots bearing the light of knowledge.
Rejoice, all you holy apostles,
seers of God, for you are lights of the world.
Rejoice, for through you, through
Christ, everywhere the Faith that saves us shines forth.
Rejoice, Saints Peter and Paul
together with all the holy apostles.
A Prayer
How indebted we
are, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, that you have pastored the Holy Church for all
nations after the teachings of Jesus Christ. How miraculous your labors for the
sake of our instruction, and how harmoniously your footsteps merge with the
sufferings of Christ for the sake of our faith. Cease not, O holy Apostles, to
intercede for us and to raise us up from avarice and idolatry that we may be of
one heart and mind. Lead us daily to the Gospel that we may always live in
Christ and in fellowship with all the disciples, prophets, and righteous men
and women. We pray, let nothing separate us from the love of God. Amen.
[Attention: The
Akathist to Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul is a highly altered document,
reflecting the editor’s attempt at clarification of English usage and
arrangement of stylistic cohesion. The text as presented in this blog,
therefore, probably contains translation errors which may or may not have
altered the objective of the original text.]