Personal Stories
How a Muslim Man Turned to Christ
It happened to me
in Germany, in the city of Cologne. I must admit that I can’t recall the name
of the main character so let’s call him George. I visited a parish of the
Antiochian Orthodox Church. Most of its parishioners were Orthodox Turks. We
had a pleasant conversation. There was a young man sitting beside me. He
couldn’t help closing his eyes as if he was falling asleep. I asked the other
parishioners if he needed any help. I thought that he wasn’t feeling well.
That’s what they told me.
George had been a
Muslim born to a Muslim family. He had honored the traditions of his faith
since his childhood. He was conscripted into the Turkish Army when he was 20.
Soon, his whole life changed. Accidentally, he found a Gospel in a distant
corner of his barrack. It is unknown how it got there. George didn’t tell
anyone about it. He read the whole book in a week. That week was enough for
George to invite Christ into his heart. Officers found the Gospel and suggested
that George “throw that hogwash out of his head” and continue his military
service. However, George was adamant in professing his newfound faith. They
threw him into a military prison and tried to root out his faith by
blandishment and torture. It didn’t yield any result. They damaged George’s
kidneys and injured his head until he became practically deaf and started
having severe headaches, which caused his falling asleep in any place and at
any time (and I saw it myself). They kept him incarcerated for many months and
then kicked him out of jail after they made an irreparable damage to his
health. Turkish Orthodox Christians from Germany heard his story and took him
to Germany in order to save him. He was baptised and became an Orthodox
Christian. When I heard his story, I had a conversation with George. I’ll never
forget his words, “There is nothing keeping me here on earth. I’m looking
forward to meeting my Father!”
I never saw George
again. I don’t know what happened to him later. I hope that his dream will come
true. When I recall his story, I ask myself, “Am I capable of such sacrifice?” I have
no answer…
12, 2018
St. Elisabeth Convent