
Top 5 Blog Posts of the Week of January 30th

5. Why Orthodox Christians Stand During Divine Services

In performing divine services will it matter like the saints, Whom the God-inspired prophets Isaiah, Micah Daniel and St. John the Theologian saw "standing in the heavens next to the throne of God" (Isaiah 6:2; I Kings 22:19; Daniel 7:10; Apocalypse 7:11), Christians similarly should not sit during divine services, but stand…READ FULL ARTICLE

4. When can one sit during Orthodox Services?

At the apostolic times, especially in the catacomb Church, the Divine services were completely different from the services we may attend today.  Over time, different texts were added to the services. They were rearranged and transformed. Time passed, and the services got their final form and content, which was due to the influence of several factors such as the introduction of the Psalter and liturgical texts written by St. John of Damascus, St. Ephraim of Syria, St. Basil the Great, St. John Chrysostom, St. Grigory the Theologian, St. Grigory of Nyssa and others…READ FULL ARTICLE

3. Instructions of Blessed Macarius the Great

Saint Macarius lived in Egypt during the years 301-391. As a youth he tended to flocks of sheep and lived in seclusion. Isolation. At 30 years of age, he withdrew to a distant desert. For his meekness and humility he was ordained as a presbyter. He left behind him works of a moral character that contained important meaning for both the monastics and for all Christians. The contents of his instructions are: The bright condition of the first person at the beginning and the gloomy state after the sinful fall…READ FULL ARTICLE

2. The Protector of Children

Saint Stylianos was born in Paphlagonia, Asia Minor, between 400 and 500. He was blessed even from his mother’s womb. As he grew up, by the grace of God he increasingly became a dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit. From childhood he displayed the rare qualities of his blessed life. When he was young and still an adolescent, although, of course, he was of the flesh, he never allowed desires to pollute his spirit and soul. He was very pure. Nor did he allow any earthly passion to dominate him. He would not permit riches and the love of wealth to permeate his soul and subject him to corruption and perdition…READ FULL ARTICLE

1. On the Modesty of Women in the Orthodox Church

It seems that more and more often we see young women standing in church who, contrary to the explicit teachings and traditions of the Orthodox Church, are wearing immodest clothing, lipstick and no head coverings. At the St. Herman's youth conference last year, for instance, the clothing many of the young women were wearing was bordering on skin tight, and it seemed that only about half the young women had scarves or hats on…READ FULL ARTICLE

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