Orthodox parents
are given by God the responsibility of raising their children as Orthodox
Christians. This task to be sure, is a
difficult one. Parents must make a
commitment not only to become active in the Church but also make one to the
religious education of their children.

In a sense, every
parish in the Orthodox Church is part of the child’s extended family. Every Orthodox Christian no matter what
jurisdiction is part of that extended family.
We are all God’s children, united in Him and Him in us. He is our Father, making every member of the
Church our brothers and sisters. It is
the responsibility of this extended family to make sure that all its young
people become active members of that family.
A positive and loving atmosphere must prevail. Like any family there will be differences,
but those differences need to be worked out in a loving and peaceful way. It is the Church community’s obligation to
share with the parents, in a joint effort the religious education of their
children. All parish members are
teachers be it as direct teaching, advisors, or role models. It is this support that parents need for the
formation of an Orthodox Life Style for their children.
Children pick up
clues and impressions from the environment on how to behave and what to
believe. Parish communities that are unfriendly or are in battle arguing,
squabbling is made up of unhappy families and children become turned off. They don’t see the Church as a nice place, so
the children develop a lack of trust. Children eventually may leave the Church
when they are old enough. Children see
themselves in relationship to their parents, peers and community. A person’s self-concept is a very important
part of how one grows, behaves, thinks and most important how they see God. As
role models and religious educators parents and the Church community have an
important task in front of them which will determine the spiritual life of
their children. If children see God and
Church as an important part of their parent’s life, it will make a great impact
on them when they grow older.
It is their
self-concept which helps them to perceive the world. Self-concept can be seen as two levels of
mind, the conscious and subconscious.
The conscious level works much like a judge, collecting and evaluating
information. The subconscious level
functions much like a computer it stores information and makes it available at
a later date. The subconscious never
attempts to sort out fact from fiction or truth from misperception. When information flows from the subconscious,
it comes forth as fact. Therefore all misconceptions eventually become truth
and are treated as fact by the conscious level of thinking.
The development of
Orthodox Christian thinking is a serious undertaking for all of us to
consider. The souls of our children
deserve the full attention of all of us, parents, priests, community and religious
educators. We all have an important role
to play in the religious development of each child.
Children work very
hard at trying to understand their parents as well as their environment. They are great observers, but horrible
interpreters. This is understandable
considering their immature brains and limited experience. This is why we as adult role models have to
be aware of what images and concepts we are conveying to the children around
us. The bad part is when we become
adults and look back, all of our perceptions, both accurate and inaccurate
becomes our reality. A child who has a
perception that his parents prefer not going to church or does not go on a
regular basis will say, “Church and God must not be important”
What was once his
mistaken idea has now become his truth.
How many Orthodox Christians do you know who have the same
misperceptions about their church?
We must remember
children are constantly observing, interpreting and storing information into
the subconscious. These billions of
thoughts and experiences later become the truth which runs and directs his or
her life. The challenge is to help a
child to interpret what he or she sees and hears in ways that can be used later
as proof that he or she is capable, loveable and responsible. This is why it’s important that children
attend Liturgy and religious education programs. This hopefully helps clear up misperceptions
about the Church and God. In the home,
as well as in the church community many adults have negative misconceptions
about children. We consider them not old
enough to have any responsibility. We
are constantly telling them to keep quiet, we do not listen to them because we
think they have nothing to say. The
child stores this information in their subconscious: “I am not capable, lovable and responsible. I am not important, If I’m not important than
God does not love me”.
A consequence for
this lack of trust in the Church community is an intensification of anxiety in
the individual child or adult. Whenever
we become anxious we become self conscious.
When our consciousness of self is too heightened, our awareness of
others and their needs are greatly diminished.
Change in an environment can have profound implication to a child’s
self-consciousness and self-esteem. We
are fortunate that in the Orthodox Church its Liturgy, icons, music and form of
worship appeal to small children because it's unchanging. A child can identify can predict what will
happen next. The sounds, smell and
movements are all familiar. A child feels
secure and has a trust in the Liturgy of the Church because after a time he/she
knows what to expect and knows how to act.
But again children are active learners and they are attuned to
everything in the environment. Children
are very social, they are aware of the smile, the frown, the friendly gesture,
and the unfriendly, in the Church community.
The children who do not feel secure and are anxious have developed
untrustworthiness for the Church Community.
In the church
school programs, parishes must find individuals who are loving, trustworthy and
love children. Formal education and
training should be a secondary concern the parish can help those individuals
get the training that is necessary. One
of the functions of the Department of Christian Education is to provide the
necessary training. Not many parishes
take advantage of the Departments resources and experts to train church school
Church school
teachers and parishioners will not love and should not love children as parents
do. However there are different kinds of
love. A child learns to love by being
loved by others. Isn’t this the foundation
of faith? How can a person love God if
that person does not know how to love?
Many children in our society lead very unhappy lives because their
parents do not realize how important it is to satisfy their children’s need for
love, for friendship, and for stimulation.
A prime qualification for a church school teacher should be the ability
to love. This requirement should stand
above all others. They must love
children unconditionally, to be able to communicate to them, without
patronizing and without strings attached.
A teacher, who commands because he is strong and expects a child to obey
because he is weak, need to rethink why he is in the classroom. A teacher and parishioners should show
themselves to a child as a loving and enlightened guide assisting the child
along the way, leading to the kingdom of heaven.
Love, patience,
understanding and respect are the key ingredients needed to develop a child’s
self-concept. It is those who are in the
child’s environment who have the greatest impact. Adults are the role models, which children
will later emulate, as Christ is our role model and whom we strive to
emulate. In the Gospel of St. Mark (10:
13-16), we are all reminded that Jesus Christ wants the children to come to
I often wonder what
mistaken beliefs and interpretations have been stored in the subconscious minds
of youngsters who constantly make poor decisions, involve themselves in self
destructive behaviors such as drugs or turning then from learning. It makes me wonder how many of these people
have misinterpreted their parent’s love in the following ways:
Some parents show
love by hovering over and rescuing their children from the harsh world. This is often interpreted by the child as,
“My parents know that I could never handle the world without help. I am not capable”.
Some parents show
love through control. These parents
constantly tell children how to lead their lives. This is often interpreted as,
“My parents know that I am not capable of thinking for myself of being
responsible. I am not capable”. This sometimes results in the child rebelling
against his parents, leaving home early, and developing a poor self concept
about life, the church and God.

The Church
community outside of the child’s immediate family can help strengthen a sense
of trust in the children. The task is
awesome as the children will often be coming in contact with the church
community from situations which are not trustworthy. Some of the Church communities are not
trustworthy themselves. How many of us
have had the sad experience of closing down programs for children because of
indifference, lack of interest or other priorities. We must realize the outside world is
typically far less trustworthy than the family.
How many of you
wondered why parents can’t control their child?
How many of you can’t concentrate and say to yourself, “I cannot pray or
pay attention to the Liturgy because this child is making noises or sliding
across the pew in front of me. They should leave the child at home if they
cannot control him”. Does this sound
familiar? I’ve seen many parishioners
literally pushed out of shape because children were making to much noise or
were just fussy. I have heard complaints to the parish priest concerning fussy
children. I’ve heard priest talking to
parents about controlling their small child.
If I were a child I
would say:
I can’t help myself
if I make noise in church. I don’t
understand what’s going on but I am learning.
I cannot learn things by sitting still.
I have to move. I have a lot of
energy. I hear the prayers. I hear the music.
I smell the incense. I see the priest
and the people praying, but I don’t know what it all means but I am learning.
My mind is like a sponge. I absorb
things that are happening in the environment.
I see, hear, smell, and sometimes touch things. I have a great capacity
to learn. I don’t know what it means but
I will someday. As any learner I will
imitate what everyone else is doing but I don’t know what it means. My parents have not told me very much but I am
willing to listen. I’m sorry that I am
too young to understand. I am sorry that
my parents and I are in a struggle. I
need my independence but I still need my parents love and affection. I need to learn to trust my parents, the
parish community and God. I need to
develop a positive attitude towards the environment in which I live. If I am to trust that God loves me, I first
must learn to love. I can only learn to
love if I am loved. If you look at me
with a frown on your face, if you scold me, if you pick me up and shake me, if
you spank me, if your are impatient with me, if you are unpleasant toward me,
if you argue in front of me, if you tell me to shut up, if you tell me children
should be seen but not heard, if you do all those things, I will not like to go
to church. I will not be learning what love is about. I will have no trust in
you. How can I trust God? God does not
love me.
If you see me
looking at your smile, I will smile. If
I am making too much noise pick me up and hug me and tell me what a fine person
I am. I have a short attention span, you
can show me an icon or show me what you are reading or tell me about it. I don’t understand what is going on but I
want to learn. I am too small to see anything, pick me up and let me look at
everyone. Give me something to occupy
myself with like a book, especially one with lots of pictures. If I misbehave put your hand on my head and
smile. I have difficulty in controlling
myself. Sometimes I act the way I do
because I want to be independent but you have to set the rules. You are in charge, but you must control me in
a loving way. I need to be loved if I am
to learn what love is about. When I
learn to love I will love God, because I have learned to trust in Him. God loves me because I am a unique person who
is loved by everyone in the church community.
So please love me. Please give me
the tools I need to love. Teach me what love is. I can only learn though your example. You are the role model. Please don’t teach me not to love. I need you for my salvation. I need you to teach me about Jesus Christ and
his church. I need to be part of the
community. Please don’t drive me away
with your indifference and non-Christian behavior. I will follow your example. I have only two choices: Trust my parents, the church community and
God or mistrust my parents, the church community and God.
An article by Joseph Tershay
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