As Valentine’s Day was celebrated, it brings with it the measures
of marketing and the things that most of us have come to believe will make the
wrong right, and the right better. Valentine’s Day will be celebrated by the
exchanging of love with flowers, candy, dinner or surprise trips. It has become
one more thing to do because others are doing it, and many find it is easier to
purchase something than act.
Our Holy Church
teaches us that we are not loved just once a year on Valentine’s Day, but every
day of our lives. The Gospel reminds every one that “God is love and those who
live in God’s love live in God.” (I John 4:16) In other words, we may not be
complete, but God loves us all. We know that family is not perfect and that we
all have family members we can only love from a distance, but God loves His
family perfectly.
Love can only flow
from the foundation of your soul. And if it flows from your soul, it becomes
energy. Therefore, love must be taught at home, not only by words, but by
example, not only by expressions, but by value. Love must be taught, not only
with words, but with deeds. It must be facilitated through expression. We all
want to fall in love, not knowing the cost, but yet, all of us are filled with
potential and capacity to love unconditionally. Love matters. It matters to all
of us because family matters, spouses matter, children matter. And without it,
we extend into a state of depression, loneliness, and despair.
We as an Orthodox
Christian family should keep in mind that we are nurtured by God’s love – fed
by His love – renewed by His love – strengthened by His love and above all
forgiving by His love. In short, we are made by His love to others. Love in not
exclusive to romantic relationships. Love is made in order for us to share with
family, friends, community and co-workers; and in return, to be loved by
others. Love keeps us alive on a cloudy day; for love is not only based on
feelings, but on commitment. “Wherever you go, I will go,” said Ruth of old. (Ruth
Love can only be
expressed towards another human being, and is not limited only to romantic
feelings. Love is also expressed in the feeling a mother has for her daughter
or a father has for his son or friends have for each other. Love is not found
in a car or a home or a career, because only in others can we truly receive
back a measure of love that inspires us to grow and face the world. Love is
what fuels us to change for the sake of whom we love, to grow, to fight well,
and to discover who we are. Love is the instrument of our lives that is given
to all in order to celebrate family and relationship between parents and
Our society today
has necessitated two income households. All of our energy as working couples
today is based on an idea that is never fulfilled; to keep the children busy,
off the streets and to grow up balanced. With the need for daycare and the
countless extra curricular activities such as sports, music, dance, and
learning centers, many of us miss out on the gift that will enable our children
to grow and face the world – Love. Unless a child is loved, they will never
know how to love and the greatest love is an unconditional love. There is a
cost to love and to be loved. That cost is fidelity to those whom we are in the
circle of their love so we can laugh, cry, give and accept, and sacrifice and
deserve. It is here where love crowns our lives with confidence and loyalty.
And with unconditional love comes the boundaries of accountability,
responsibility, self-control, humility and charity along with the boundary of
love to say no.
Even though many of
us are flawed, rejected, sorrowful or broken, God’s love never ceases. When we
accept His love, we are healed physically and spiritually; for the Sacraments of
our Church are an outward expression of His love. Therefore, we are to love,
not only life, but those who surround us: our family. When we make choices in
our relationships, based on love, we attract others who embody love, which is
based also in their soul.
If we are to do
something different this Valentine’s Day, we need to become aware of our souls
and ask ourselves the following questions:
Can I value others
while constantly evaluating them?
Am I a forgiving
person if I constantly remind a loved one the wrong they have done?
Am I a helpful
person while my intentions are self-serving?
Is the compassion I
express to others based on the intention to manipulate?
Is the love I
express always a condemning one?

True love is free,
but it requires a lifetime of work and it is usually the toughest work we face.
Love is more than a feeling. It is a conscience choice to engage not only the
human mind and body, but also the soul.