Iconography and Icons
The History of the Unique Icon of the Mother of God, Named “Prosperess of Loaves”
In some localities, this icon is
also called The Icon of the Mother of God – the Multiplier of Wheat.
Icon of the Mother of God, named “Prosperess of Loaves” (“Sporitel’nitsa
Khlebov”), was written at the blessing of the starets-elder of the Visitation
Optina wilderness monastery, the priest-schemamonk Amvrosii (Ambrosii) (1812
Father Amvrosii, a great Russian ascetic of the
XIX Century, was ardent with a childlike faith towards the Mother of God.
He in particular revered all the feastdays of the Mother of God and on these
days he greatly increased his prayer. With the icon, “Prosperess of
Loaves”, Father Amvrosii blessed the Shamordinsk Convent established in honour
of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and founded by him not far from the
Optina monastery.
Adapted from the
Menologion, texts translated Fr. S. Janos.
Source: https://dormitioninconcord.wordpress.com/2016/10/28/the-icon-of-the-mother-of-god-the-multiplier-of-wheat/