Feast Day Sermon: "Under the Protection of Our Heavenly Mother"
This is one of the most beloved feasts of the Russian
people, one of the most pleasing. When I have occasion to speak about how the
All-Pure Virgin covered the worshippers in the Blachernae Church with her
omophorion, I always point out that there were, of course, different people in
this church: the pious and godly; the not very pious; perhaps some who had
grown cold; and perhaps even the very sinful. But did the Mother of God inquire
into this? Did she separate the good from the bad?
No, she covered everyone with her omophorion! That is
why we all firmly trust that, although we often prove ourselves unworthy of
God’s mercy – and, on the contrary, worthy of God’s wrath, judgment, and
righteous and well-deserved punishment – nonetheless the Mother of God stands
with her omophorion between us and the Lord, Whom we anger with our sins. We
are capable of provoking God.
The Holy Hierarch Theophan the Recluse once wrote
sorrowfully: “What a wonderful Lord we have: long-suffering and abundant in
mercy; Who never grows angry to the end; Who does not remain at enmity unto the
ages; Who forgets His wrath as soon as we turn to Him with repentance! But we
are capable of bringing even such a Merciful and Long-Suffering One to wrath,
so as to oblige Him to take up the rod of vengeance, although He is endless
mercy and compassion.”
But it often happens that when the Lord turns His
wrathful gaze upon us sinners, He does not see us – for the Mother of God has
covered us with her omophorion and prays to Him for us all: for the good and
for the evil; for the righteous and for sinners; for the pious and for the
impious. For everyone! So always remember, when you come here to the Church of
the Protection of the Mother of God, that here you are safeguarded as nowhere
else in the world. Therefore you should always pray to the Mother of God with
faith and trust.
If an earthly mother said about her children that she
had some who were good and obedient, and others who were disobedient, she might
say: “For a mother they are all equal: whichever finger you cut from a hand, it
is all equally painful.” It is the same thing with us. To the Heavenly Mother,
to whom the Lord gave to adopt the entire human race – and that means all of us
– everyone is equally dear.
How she grieves for the disobedient and ungodly and,
for her part, prays to the Lord, that He might put aside His avenging sword and
might still have mercy upon those who can be set aright! Do not forget about
this and always pray to her with trust, that she might cover us with her
Almighty Omophorion! Amen.
By Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky)