And so having beforehand prepared the hearer to look
for some ordinary piece of information, and by this laying hold of him, after
all he amazes him by adding the marvelous fact, saying, "Before they came
together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit..." (Matt. 1:18).
Proceed therefore no further, neither require anything more than what has been
said. Neither say, "But how was it that the Spirit wrought this of a
virgin?" For if, when nature is at work, it is impossible to explain the
manner of the formation; how, when the Spirit is working miracles, shall we be
able to express these? And lest you should weary the evangelist, or disturb him
by continually asking these things, he has said who it was that wrought the
miracle, and so withdrawn himself. "For I know," says he,
"nothing more, but that what was done was the work of the Holy

How, I pray you, did the Spirit frame that Temple? How
did He take not all the flesh from the womb, but a part thereof, and increased
it, and fashioned it? For that He did come forth of the Virgin's flesh, He has
declared by speaking of "that which was conceived in her" (Gal. 4:4);
and Paul, by saying, "made of a woman;" whereby he stops the mouths
of them that say, Christ came among us as through some channel. For, if this
were so, what need of the womb? If this were so, He has nothing in common with
us, but that flesh is of some other kind, and not of the mass which belongs to
us. How then was He of the root of Jesse? How was He a rod? How Son of man? How
was Mary His mother? How was He of David's seed? How did he "take the form
of a servant" (Philip. 2:7)? how "was the Word made flesh" (Jn.
1:14)? and how says Paul to the Romans, "Of whom as concerning the flesh
Christ came, who is God over all" (Rom. 9:5)? Therefore that He was of us,
and of our substance, and of the Virgin's womb, is manifest from these things,
and from others beside; but how, is not also manifest. Do not either then
inquire; but receive what is revealed, and be not curious about what is kept
From Homily on Matthew, 4:6.