It is widely known that before the Descent of the Holy
Spirit the apostles were fishermen and thus they earned money for a living.
However, not all of them were, as there was also a tax collector among them -
Apostle Matthew. At that time such people were referred to as the publicans and
were not especially liked by other people.
A craftsman

A farmer
Philaretos (700-792) lived in the Byzantine Empire and was quite rich. He owned fields, vineyards and large herds of cattle. A lot of people had an
opportunity to work on his plantations. He had only one “weakness” –
love towards other people. He could not help but give money to those people who
were in need.
Once a
misfortune happened to him. The army of Osman devastated his lands, took all
his cattle and slaves, which lead to a sudden life of poverty for him and his family. Saint
Philaretos endured that trial with great firmness, thanking God for everything
and helping the other people, despite the fact he was now poor himself. At that
time, the emperor sent his messengers all over the Empire, so
that they would find a bride for him. One of them came to Saint Philaretos’ house,
where he was generously welcomed. The servant of the emperor was pleased by
such a warm welcome and asked Philaretos to show him his granddaughters. Soon
Maria, the eldest one, became the emperor’s wife. The Saint was invited to the
emperor’s palace and received honor and wealth. The Saint ordered to organize a
great feast, on which he called all the poor people of the capital. Right
before his death, Saint Philaretos asked to give all his wealth to charity. By
the example of his own life the Saint showed us how we can better “invest” our
A businessman
Few know the
story of Innocent Sibiryakov (1860-1901), the millionaire-monk and gold
industry entrepreneur. He was born in Irkutsk in a rich family and recieved a large
inheritance, which allowed him to do active charity work. Innocent Sibiryakov
opened libraries, helped children from poor families to get an education, invested
money in researches and scientific laboratories, helped monasteries and built
hospitals. With his money it became possible to build the St. Andrew’s Cathedral
at St. Andrew Skete on Athos.
Despite the fact Saint Innocent contributed large
sums of money, he did not just waste his parents’ money, but augmented it. Before
he went to Athos to became a monk, he owned a 10 million ruble fortune,
although he had inherited only 900 thousand from his parents. On November 6,
1901, the millionaire and schemamonk Innocent Sibiryakov passed away on the
Holy Mountain after unction and recieving Communion. After his death people
began to venerate him as a local saint. Today
the Russian Orthodox Church is discussing the issue of his canonization.
A fund manager
Saint John of Kronstadt, who was well-known all over
the Russian Empire even while alive, “earned” money due to his own reputation.
Rich people from the whole country came to him to thank the wonder-worker.
Father John had an unusual plan how to realize his capital – he just handed out
his money. One of the Saint’s contemporaries, General Ivanov-Lutsevin,
witnessed once that a woman came to Father John and asked for help. He answered
that he had nothing. At the exact moment someone gave him a package with money,
and Father John gave it to the woman without hesitation. Later it was
discovered, that the amount given was in the sum of 5,000 rubles (today this
sum equals 10,000 USD). According to the stories of other eyewitnesses, Father
John handed out about 150,000 rubles per year. Besides, Saint John of Kronstadt
was the founder of the first organization dealt with the development of people
in the workforce, rehabilitation, education and charity in Russia. Any
person in need could get help there, regardless of the person's religious
beliefs. This was a non profit organization where with the exception of the
proceeds from sales of the various goods such as twines, ropes, hammocks,
mattresses, packages and boxes, the only other income of the organization came
from private donations. It is known, that Father John invested about 40,000
rubles of his own money, every year.
A surgeon
Saint Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky) (1877-1961) earned money with his own hands and mind. With
his hands he operated on people as a general surgeon (usually he did that free), and with his mind he
made discoveries in the sphere of medicine. During World War II, two of his
science works were published - “The Study of Purulent Surgery” and “The Late
Reactions of the Infected Ballistic Wounds of the Joints”. Those two works
brought the saint a special financial grant of the 1st degree which amounted to 200,000
ruble. From the total sun he recieved the saint donated 130,000 rubles to help injured children.