Top Blog Posts of the Week
Top-5 Blog Posts for the Week of May 15th, 2017
5. Elder Sophrony on approaching the Jesus
I propose
to devote this chapter to setting out as briefly as possible the more important
aspects of the Jesus Prayer and the commonsense views regarding this great
culture of the heart that I met with on the Holy Mountain. Year after year
monks repeat the prayer with their lips, without trying by any artificial means
to join mind and heart. Their attention is concentrated on harmonizing their
life with the commandments of Christ…READ
4. Who we should become when drinking from the
Water of Life
Christ is
Risen! Pascha is ongoing, and we continue fighting for joy and hope, which we
can hear in these words: “Christ is Risen!” We want to make sure in this truth
about God and that He has defeated death. If we are with God then we can
prevail over our sick, lame, deaf, blind and foolish nature, and live with God
3. 5
Short Excerpts from the Theology of St. Athanasius the Great
apostles were not interested in the images and analogies of plurality found in
Scripture, nor in reconciling plurality and unity. But they certainly were
concerned to explain, through the medium of Scripture, how the Lord Jesus
relates to the one God, his Father, in the Spirit…READ
2. St.
Photini: The life of the Samaritan woman after meeting Christ...
Photini lived in first century Palestine. She was the Samaritan woman who
Christ visited at the well asking her for water. It was she who accepted the
“living water” offered her by Christ Himself after repenting from her many sins
(John. 4:5-42). She went and told her townspeople that she had met the Christ.
For this, she is sometimes recognized as the first to proclaim the Gospel of
1. Advice on Ways to Form an Orthodox Conscience
We are to
have much love for our Savior, with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. We
are not to divide our love between God and the world. For a beginner this means
that when we pray we should struggle mightily to concentrate and avoid
distractions: we are to be wholly in God. Furthermore, as St. John of Kronstadt