On February 21 – 26, a culturally enlightening fair “The
Holy Rus’: From Heart to Heart” organized by St. Elisabeth Convent and the
Sisterhood in honor of Holy Martyr Grand-Duchess Elisabeth will take place in
Belgrade, Serbia.

During the
whole period of the fair, the sisters from the Convent offer you to learn about
the unique technique of creating icons from natural stones, to take part in the
master class in straw-weaving and to look at the household of the Belarusians
from the beginning of the 20th century
in terms of a special cultural exhibition “Belarusian hut”. Original
photo-exhibitions are devoted to the social ministry of the Convent and the life
story of St. Elisabeth, the heavenly patron of the Convent.
Children are
welcomed to visit the performance of the national puppet theatre “Batlejka”, to
take part in the contest of paintings and watch cartoons.
You can either
spend time with your friends in a cozy phyto-café, where the sisters will be
glad to offer you several kinds of herbal teas, honey with various additives and
fresh pastries.
It terms of the
fair, the Belarusian musical ensemble “Ornament” will perform a concert. All the
members of the ensemble are the graduates of the Belarusian National Music
Academy, who work in the leading choirs and musical theaters of Belarus.
On February 23,
we invite you to celebrate the Defender of the Fatherland Day. A special
screening of the film entitled “The Fathers of Special Forces” and an orchestra
concert will be held.
On February 24,
the whole day will be devoted to children. Except rom the puppet theatre, they
can watch cartoons, created by the studio of St. Elisabeth Convent, as well as
take part in national Russian and Belarusian plays.
During the
whole period of the fair, an exhibition of the goods, made with love and prayer
by the different workshops of the Convent, will take place. You will see the
goods created by the icon-painting studio, icon casing workshop, ceramic
workshop, sewing workshop and many others. In care of the sisters of mercy and
nun from the Convent there are several orphanages, hospitals and boarding
homes, a tuberculosis dispenser and two charity homes for the homeless. All the
raised funds will be spent on the deeds of mercy.
“The Holy Rus’:
From Heart to Heart” is not just a fair or an exhibition, it is a great
opportunity to spend time in a warm and friendly circle.
Admission is free!
The events will
take place at the following address: Russian Center of Science and Culture, Queen
Natalia str., 33, Belgrade, 11000, Serbia.
You can learn
the schedule of the events on the Russian Center of Science and Culture
web-site and the billboards all over the city.
Learn more about the ministry of St. Elisabeth Convent
With love in
Sisters of St.
Elisabeth Convent