There is no
one outdoors. All sisters are having an akathist. I am met by cats who approach
me trustfully, wishing to get to know me. “Pyatnashka” (dotted cat) purrs
loudly and unceremoniously jumps into my car. In a couple of minutes, it is
sitting on my shoulder.

The simple
farm living teaches to enjoy simple things. For instance, the sisters have
gathered the harvest — that's great news. They've had a good harvest of
tomatoes — amazing! They tried planting the sprouts for the first time, and
everything went fine: the tomatoes grew well both in a greenhouse and in the
At present,
there are twenty-eight women at the Centre. "We have had a hike in the
number of people with mental disorders lately," Nun Barbara says.
"Sometimes they are not even diagnosed yet but their behavior and
condition tells that they need help. They wandered far and wide and at last
they landed here at the Centre.
We have
decided to assign one house, the smaller one, to mothers with children due to
the renovation going on. Unfortunately, it can only accommodate three or four
families. Right now, there are two mothers with their children and one woman
expecting a baby in the center.
See that
house over there? It is for the sisters who do not want to leave us anymore,
who have become permanent residents of our Centre and help us actively. One
room is for the less able: currently, it is home for one old lady who was
discharged from a mental clinic (she cannot talk, and no one knows anything
about her) and a woman who has memory problems. She has been here for about a
year. When they brought her to our center, her daughter was very anxious
because doctors had told her that her mother's condition would deteriorate, that
she is to be treated with extreme caution, to the extent of not even moving
furniture in her room. So another sister stayed with her all the time. Now this
woman can move around the rehabilitation center on her own! We even transferred
her from one house into another due to the renovation, and everything went
fine. It seems to me that her condition has improved noticeably, although
doctors predicted it would get worse. It is with God's help that this place
manages to fulfil its purpose of social rehabilitation. Everything we planned
during the project planning stage is currently being implemented, albeit on a
small scale…"