(Nun Anfisa about the beginnings of the Convent, about
icon painting and the workshops…)
Mother Anfisa, can you tell us how the workshops came
into existence in the Convent?
The Convent was founded in 1999, and it was then that
our sisters started to make vestments. At first, the sewing, icon painting and
ceramic workshops started their work. Later, the mural painting, mosaic,
joinery, icon setting and stone workshop were established. Each of the workshop
was tiny at first and grew on with time. Today we have more than twenty
long-established workshops, each with its own microclimate. Generally, we did
not plan that there would be workshops in the Convent. It was God who decided
in a different way.

Then it turned out that Alexander could not finish his
work, and it was time to consecrate the church, so Father Andrew blessed the
brothers to finish the iconostasis on their own. These were their first icons.
Nun Liudmila, Nun Martha and Matushka Larissa helped Father Sergius and Brother
How did the icon painting studio develop after that?
New people were coming. Father Igor Latushko helped us
a lot: he told us about icon painting and painted icons himself. We started
travelling a lot, seeing and seeking advice from other iconographers… We were
gathering information about the art of icon painting, about various cultural
layers related to church art: Byzantine Greek style and Russian art of icon
painting, of course.
Did you develop a unified style?
Everything that Father Sergius, Matushka Larissa, nuns
Liudmila and Maria, had to work hard to achieve and learn, now goes to the
young artists, the would-be icon painters. The young artists can learn from
their experience straight away. When we look at our first icons, they are so
very different from what we are able to paint now. It is surprising to see the
school develop…
The style develops after years of scrupulous work.
Generally, there are many churches in our Convent, and if you take a look at
them, neither frescoes, nor iconostases ever repeat one another. It is amazing
that the icons are painted according to the canons and at the same time they
show creativity. This is what constitutes the school, a specific direction and
style in icon painting.
Can you tell us about the Convent? How did it start?
There were sisters who wanted to devote themselves to
monastic life. There was God’s blessing through the spiritual father of the
Sisterhood and through some circumstances of their lives. The first sisters
started to live together in the spring of 1998. At first, they had to sleep
right in the workshops. They had to stay in the workshops all night because
Liturgies normally started early in the morning, at half past six, and the
sisters were to take the patients to communion, so it was difficult for most of
them to come to the hospital from downtown by that time. The sisters often
stayed in the hospital wards until very late so it was meaningless to come back
There used to be waste land on the place where the
convent now stands. Later we laid the foundation of the church in honour of St
Nicholas the Wonderworker, bought a small cabin and installed central heating
in it.
How many sisters were there at that time?

Weren’t you afraid?
No, I was not. It was just that once I realized that
the meaning of life lies much deeper. Is it worth living when you feed your
vain pride and build your life according to stereotypes? Ought a person to
struggle for the sake of this? What must a person struggle for? The Lord showed
me the beauty of monastic life. Monastic life is deep. Everything apart from
that ceased to mean anything for me. This is my way, perhaps. Each person has
his own way to God. This is a mystery that one keeps inside.
What was next?
We started building St Nicholas Church. When the
basement floor had already been finished, we immediately decided to have it
consecrated. We started celebrating Liturgies there. I remember when the first
Liturgy was celebrated in that church, water dropped onto our heads, everything
was gray, and we were standing on sand mixed with small stones but everybody
was incredibly happy because this was the first Divine Liturgy in the new
Actually, first we started divine services in the
National Psychiatrical Clinic, in their rehabilitation centre. The room where
the Liturgies were celebrated on Thursdays normally served as a room for
hypnosis. Services there continue up to the present day. We dreamed about
building a church for the people who stay in the wards for them to feel a
completely different life. We made gates in a hospital wall to take the
patients to church but unfortunately, we forgot about several problems. The
patients who stayed in the department for drug and alcohol addicts were only
too happy to use this gate to run away from the hospital… We had to close this
gate. Only the patients who are allowed to go out from their departments can do
so. There is a confession on Wednesday evening, and the Liturgy is served on
Thursdays. What we are to do is prepare the patients and take them to the
service. Most departments are isolation type, and the patients who stay there
are not always emotionally stable, so it is their doctor who approves or
disapproves of their going to church. Those who are allowed to go out the
hospital, come to the convent, and it is a great joy for them.
Then Father Andrew blessed the construction of the
monastic dormitory. Later, a church in honor of St Elisabeth was built. There
are photos, and when I look at them I just cannot believe that it was real.
Then we received our first true cells, two or three cells, I do not remember
exactly how many. The dormitory was consecrated in 2002.
Were the icons for St Elisabeth Church painted in the
workshops of the Convent?
All icons located in the churches of our Convent are
painted in our workshops. The Lord has provided it that everything has been
made with our own hands. It
is surprising, of course.