The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother, Saint Sophia

The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother, Saint Sophia

The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother, Saint Sophia

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Order Icons of the Holy Martyrs The Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope and Love were born in Italy. Their


Photo Blog: Non Ferrous Metals Workshop of St.Elisabeth Convent

Photo Blog: Non Ferrous Metals Workshop of St.Elisabeth Convent

Photo Blog: Non Ferrous Metals Workshop of St.Elisabeth Convent

Order Church Supplies from the workshops of St.Elisabeth Convent Find out more about the non-ferrous metals workshop


A few words on the technique of iconography...

A few words on the technique of iconography...

A few words on the technique of iconography...

An Icon is not just a painting with a religious meaning but rather a sacred image, which ascends to the Archetype; it is


Meeting of Vladimir icon of the Mother of God

Meeting of Vladimir icon of the Mother of God

Meeting of Vladimir icon of the Mother of God

Meeting of Vladimir icon of the Mother of God In 1395 Tamerlane and his Tatar forces entered the Russian land and moved against


Two interviews about the creation of the Mystical Supper CD: How the English language got united with the language of angels.

Two interviews about the creation of the Mystical Supper CD: How the English language got united with the language of angels.

Two interviews about the creation of the Mystical Supper CD: How the English language got united with the language of angels.

Who can sing in English in our Convent? What is special about liturgical music in English? I asked some of the people who


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